Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Place

Ok, so moving isn't a lot of fun. After moving about 1/2 my stuff. and everything esential to living, I called it a good day. and will move the rest next weekend. Here is the proof.

So this is the main room, and what will soon be the entertainment corner. So after moving in I had a 36 hour period with no internet and no cable. It was harsh. but i actually took the time to read a little.

John Stossel's - Give Me A Break.

So Glad, there are level headed Libertarians in this world.

So once Saturday evening rolled around, and the Cable Guy. I was able to get my set up running.

And don't forget your 'Patch Perfect' it is only $19.95. I think it is true, the louder the commercial the dumber the advertiser thinks I am. So glad i have a mute button.

So the next step is to finish up with my books, Get my CDs into my Changer. and then finish the bedroom. which went from empty to junk in 2.5 loads.

More Pictures to come.


Anonymous said...

Jason, nice setup man I hope you're enjoying your new place and that moving everything in will work out for the best!

Take it easy buddy!

P.S. I wish I could relate to what moving is like but I've never done it so I can't but regardless good luck with the ordeal!


diana said...

looks good, more pix!