Monday, May 10, 2010


I find myself continual returning to this subject. I just don't think people get it.

I just recently read a comment from a article. The poster stated the heart of capitalism is Wall Street. I can see with this thinking, why so many people have a such a harsh feeling of toward capitalism(not that i have any personal animosity toward Wall Street).

First people need to realize the true "Heart" of Capitalism is "YOU". You are the one that goes to work. You are the one that earns the paycheck. You are the one that buys the groceries, gas, and everything else that fills your world. That is the heart of capitalism.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Difference

The difference between a fascist and a socialist: A fascist will control what you do, A socialist will control how you do it.

The difference between a conservative and a liberal: If a crime is committed by someone matching their description a liberal will be outraged when the police stop and question them, a conservative will be outraged if the police don't.

The difference between a legal and an illegal immigrant: (Now this one is a shocker) A legal immigrant is a lawful member of the American experiment, an illegal immigrant is "BREAKING THE LAW"