Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque

I really had no plans of committing on this subject. Unfortunately, it is just plan idiotic subject. Totally distracting everyone from the issue of our country coming completely unhinged financially.

1) I personally think it is a ridiculous idea to build a mosque or Islamic community center or whatever you want to call it near the World Trade Center site.

2) Although I have every right to disagree with the decision, the developers have every right to ignore me.

3) At no time would I request, or expect the government(especially the federal government) to step in an intervene.

I have vented. Now back to complaining about the handing of our country over to the moochers.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Big Dogs

If you are going to poke a big dog, you are going to get bit. Quit whining about how you didn't think it would bite. That excuse only works if you are 5 years old.

If you are lucky enough, that it only growls or barks at you, or maybe shows its teeth, do not, under any circumstances, hit it repeatedly with a chair, a pole, a plank, or, for that matter, anything. This will only increase the chances of the big dog not only biting your leg, but it may just keep going.

Do not consider this a warning. If you are older than five, you shouldn't need to be warned.

Let me add, continued poking will only increase the ferocity of the response.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I find myself continual returning to this subject. I just don't think people get it.

I just recently read a comment from a article. The poster stated the heart of capitalism is Wall Street. I can see with this thinking, why so many people have a such a harsh feeling of toward capitalism(not that i have any personal animosity toward Wall Street).

First people need to realize the true "Heart" of Capitalism is "YOU". You are the one that goes to work. You are the one that earns the paycheck. You are the one that buys the groceries, gas, and everything else that fills your world. That is the heart of capitalism.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Difference

The difference between a fascist and a socialist: A fascist will control what you do, A socialist will control how you do it.

The difference between a conservative and a liberal: If a crime is committed by someone matching their description a liberal will be outraged when the police stop and question them, a conservative will be outraged if the police don't.

The difference between a legal and an illegal immigrant: (Now this one is a shocker) A legal immigrant is a lawful member of the American experiment, an illegal immigrant is "BREAKING THE LAW"

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Continuing Drive for The Presidency

So I posted earlier what my first commercial would be if I ran for President.

Let me move on to more important stuff. What is my platform? What would I like to accomplish as President? I am going to list a few. I am also going to follow that up with an incredible quote that would sum up my Presidency. Then ask if you have any specific questions, please feel free to right them in a comment. I will gladly share my feelings on what I as President could, should and would do.

Domestic Policy:

This is where I would enact the greatest change and biggest benefits to the citizens of the United States of America.

1) I will not rest until The Fair Tax Act is passed.

2) I will continue this public economic coup by pulling control of the Dollar from the Federal Reserve, putting as back on the gold standard, and allowing savings to dictate interest rates and not some independent group of people who's interests are completely unknown to the American people.

3) To finish of the economic front of my domestic policy, I would dissolve all federal agency that compete with the private sector, (except in the cases where the constitution permits)

After the economic portion of my platform is moving. I will begin to move to the radical reduction in size and scope of the federal government.

1) I would reduce the number of Departments currently in use by the federal government. This will be accomplished by first merging several Departments, and having some enveloped into others.

2) I would eliminate any government funding that is not completely accepted by the Constitution.

Foreign Policy:

I am not going to pretend to know all the workings of every country throughout the world. I will however completely acknowledge the fact, there are people that hate out country. And no matter what we do there always will be. (You can not please all the people, all the time).

That being said, I will continue to show the world that the United States of America will completely and without hesitation defend our land, our allies and our interests no matter where or what they may be.

I will politely pull the United States of America out of the completely inept and non-working United Nations. Giving them four years to relocate outside the borders of the United States.

I will not be forced into using the US military as the worlds policy force. The US Armed Forces will be deployed only in the defense our land, our allies and our interests.

That covers the basics of my platform. As I said previously feel free to post any questions I will be happy to answer them. In short I believe in the power of the people to make decisions for themselves. I believe in limited government. I believe we are a singular part of this planet, that can't stand alone but also can not join everyone.

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is `needed' before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents 'interests,' I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can.” [Barry Goldwater]

He couldn't have defined my beliefs any better.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

On God and Existence

Thanks Jerry Prigmore(a facebook friend) for sharing this with us.

I believe in a reality, an existence, that is too big for me to fully see with my finite vision, fully perceive with my finite senses, fully measure with the impressive but finite tools at my disposal, fully grasp with my finite intellect, or fully conceive with my finite imagination. Yet I have been ridiculed for my belief in God by equally finite people who are confident in their ability to know and state categorically that there is no infinite and no God, although it is impossible to do so. They are like a man cut out of a sheet of notebook paper who tells his fellow two-dimensional paper people that to talk of other non-scientifically proveable dimensions and of a three-dimensional world inhabited by large, multicolored, three-dimensional beings who wear shoes and play basketball and eat tacos is foolish and even dangerous, and that only the ignorant and superstitious do so.

To try to understand existence with no reference point outside of that which is observable is like trying to lift oneself off the ground by standing on a rope on the floor with both feet and then pulling up on the rope with both hands. As Francis Schaeffer wrote in The God Who is There, to try to derive meaning for man with only man as a starting point is like wandering along the wall of a round, featureless, pitch-black room without windows or doors. They confidently deny the existence of the infinite God without understanding the meaning of finitum non capax infinitum - the finite cannot contain (or grasp) the infinite.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Corporate Taxes, and Job Creation


I may have done a post on this previously, but it never gets told enough.

Who exactly pays Corporate Taxes? These are the taxes the government; Local, State and Federal; impose upon corporations and businesses both large and small.

So I ask again, who pays these taxes? The first answer most people conclude is The corporation or business that is being charged those taxes. But, where do they get their money to pay those taxes? They get it from the consumer of the goods or services they provide. When the price of being in business goes up, whether it be an increase in manufacturing costs, and increase in labor costs, or even an increase in regulatory or taxation costs, these corporations and business pass the expense on to the consumer.

So please stop crying for more corporate taxes. I pay enough for the goods and services I purchase already.


I have been hearing a lot lately about the government creating jobs. I became curious, How exactly does the government create jobs? I went even deeper, How are jobs created?

Jobs are created when a demand for a good or service out paces the production or availability of the particular good or service. Which causes the manufacturer or provider of those goods or services to find ways to narrow the gap between supply and demand. The quickest and typically easiest way is to hire more employees, to create more goods or to provide more service. That is job creation.

Now that we know how jobs are created, How can the government do this? What goods or services does the government provide? How can they create a gap between the supply and the demand? Thus creating a need for job creation.

Lets answer the first part. What goods or service does the government provide? Well thankfully the government doesn't provide any goods. so that narrows are search to what services does the government supply.

Well if we read the Constitution:

Establish Justice: The government runs the courts. How can more jobs be created there? More criminals, more civil suits.
Insure Domestic Tranquility: Keep our streets safe from crime. How can more jobs be created there? More crime.
Provide for the common defense: Military. How can more jobs be created there? More wars.
Promote the general welfare: The health and financial security of the people. How can we create more jobs there? More people lose their current jobs, More people get sick.
Secure the blessing of liberty: Stay free. I really don't think this something the government does, and is more in line of what the government doesn't. So this would be a job for the government that would actually require less jobs to do better.

So now after we figure out what the government provides, and how jobs are created. Do we really want to live in a country where the government is the ones creating jobs. More crime, More Criminals, More War, More Sick and More Poor.

The Best and only true job creation comes from the private sector. The same corporations and businesses that are being asked to pay more in taxes.

Who Is Creating Jobs?