Thursday, October 30, 2008

Some more good reading

If i haven't lost you with all abundance of links, here is three more.

Taxing Times - Sowell

A Perfect Storm - Sowell

Senator Government - Elder

I hope you enjoy, and learn something. I feel there are those that have already made up their mind well before knowing or learning anything about either candidate, to those I say "Boo! Boo to you!!"

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spoiler Alert....Spoiler Alert

If you haven't watched "The Happening" and you intend to, read no further. what you are about to read is esential plot themes revealed completely in the first third of the movie.

First, let me preface this by saying I truly enjoy M. Night Shyamalan's movies. Even the ones the critics panned.

There is no shocker twist in this movie, there is no "I figured it out, when.."s. This movie leaves little if nothing to the imagination. Unless you count the poster board acting. Mark Wahlberg, Zoey Decshanel, and John Leguizamo, three actors i honestly can say, i look forward to seeing them in movies. all played their roles as if they mailed them in. I was unimpressed.

If this was an eco-friendly message movie, it misses the target by a mile, and if it is not than it missess the target by ten miles. I seriously wanted to deforest north america when i was done watching this movie, not out of fear but out of disgust.

I look forward to Max Payne(Wahlberg) and more so The Brazilian Job, The Ministers (Leguizamo) and 500 days of summer(Deschanel) to get this horendously poor acting taste out of my mouth.

BUT and the plus side, i did watch Sold Out, A threevening with Kevin Smith. It left me laughing with a pain in my side. Best line: "the bruce looked with a grin and said 'ok, and who was your second choice to play John McClane.'"

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another editorial

Another editorial about todays journalists.

Editing Their Way to Oblivion:

and in case you missed it earlier since I put it in late.

Orson Scott Card

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Lately I have been seeing a lot of disheartening events. People forming human blockades to block a motorcade, A young lady getting beat down for her political view(this story turned out to be a hoax, which in itself is ridiculous), Others lining up to get a picture of themselves in a pose of shooting another a person.

All this is just amazingly to me, especially when the the events I listed have been perpetrated by people I have been told exhort tolerance. It truly sickens me, it also reminds of a song(surprised).

Tolerance - Precious Death

If everything is relative, and nothing absolute,
then why don't I just take this gun....
But, if somethings are always wrong,
then, something must be right.

Tolerance, Tolerance,
but you can't tolerate me
so you move it around
'til you start liking the sound
the truth's too hard and too true
for me to give it to you
and you can hate me,
but, you can't break me.

(aah)never knew the name of the game
(aah)never knew the words were the same
(aah)never knew the real thing

it's easy for a man to say everything is meaningless and relative,
'til he looks at pictures of his kids
i have known many men who have floated in these foolish words
but have never known one they could live by

Tolerance, Tolerance,
but you can't tolerate me
so you stereotype
and change the wrong and the right
and then you whine and complain
until you drive me insane
and you can hate me
but you can't break me

(aah)never knew the name of the game
(aah)never knew the words were the same
(aah)never knew the real thing

Some people are taught to be ignorant
but some people have to try real hard.

Tolerance Tolerance,
but you can't tolerate me
so you keep living a lie,
and i keep asking you why
the truths a little to true
for me to give it to you
and you can hate me,
but you can't break me.

(aah)never knew the name of the game
(aah)never knew the words were the same
(aah)never knew the real thing

Remakes, Spin-Offs and Adaptations

There are a couple of things I would really like to see from Hollywood. First, something original, but barring that here is some ideas.

The long awaited successful spin-off of Sienfeld, as well as another good spin-off from Cheers. Cliff Clavin the idiot savant from Cheers, finally moves away from his mother and finds a great roommate in the ever lovable Newman, from Sienfeld. Let the comedy insue.

Remakes have an inheirant problem. If they were good enough to be considered for a remake, there is really no need for one. The grand exception for this would be something that could be made to look better. and unfortunately I just can't think of anything i would want to see, maybe my devoted readers have some ideas.

I would love to see the entire story of Drizzt Do'Urden adapted to the screen, either big or small. but i would want the entire story, so it would a lot of movies.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sowell, Stossel and Boortz

Boortz - Undecided

Stossel -Unappreciated Spontaneous Order

Sowell - Polls and Pols

I know, that's a lot of reading. I assure you, I will have more to write of my own soon. I have this great story about a fisherman, anyone interested in reading it?

Sorry, I had to add one more. It isn't often i read an editorial I truly enjoy.

Orson Scott Card

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A new link

I added a new link to what i read. Check it out.


Warning to my 'many' readers, click this link at your own risk. It contains some references that some may find inappropriate, I however, am a fervent studier of global-economical history, and I see a very well laid out comparison.

Time to use the "C" word

You have been warned.

And to continue my theme of adding some humor with the serious, check out this funny clip.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Democratic Math...

So a good friend of mine and I were chatting about raising kids.(something i will admit i know little about) But the conversation drifted to allowances and what and how they should be paid. The conversation drifted into this little story.

For the last year my friend was giving his oldest a child a monthly allowance of $10. Now in my personal opinion that isn't alot, but still is something, considering the child doesn't have to buy anything of necessity.

Recently the child came to his parent and asked for a raise in the allowance. Being a fairly just parent, my friend asked "How much are thinking you should get?" The child shot for the moon and replied "$20 a month." The brake lights went on and my friend said "Whoa there, I think we can do something about getting you more, but that would be double"

So after a discussion with the spouse they decided to up the allowance to $15 a month. Well the child appeared to be happy with that, until reports started to come in from parents of this child's friends. It seemed the child was telling people, my friend had cut the allowance in half.

When i was first told this story, I just started to laugh, it just shook me as unbelievably funny. until i realized my friend wasn't joking. My Friend chatted with the child and the child justified the statement by claiming he asked for a $10 raise and only got a $5 increase and that is half.

It suddenly donned on me, that sounds like democratic math when they don't get all the money they wanted for some special interest yet the amount given to them is more than the previous year. They like to call that a cut.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Economists that are smart.

If you didn't know this about me, I really have found a great affection for economics and those that study it.

Here is an article some may find interesting.

Hundreds of Economists....

And for those that don't get all excited about economics.

Universal Lawn Care....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

News From an Alternate Universe

Palin Did Nothing

In a recent investigation into the actions or inaction of the Alaskan Governor and Vice Presidential Candidate, a bipartisan group discovered, even with personal and intimate knowledge of all the events around a State Troopers alleged misconduct, the Governor did nothing.

The fact that State Trooper, and ex-husband to the governors sister, Wooten allegedly tasered her own nephew, did not motivate the Governor to make any effort to use her position to push along any investigation. . She simply stood by and did nothing.

"The simple fact that the governor did not use her power as chief executive of Alaska to pressure those in charge to take action proves her inexperience and unwillingness to challenge others in the face of true adversity." said an Alaskan citizen and mother of a son, the same age as Palin's nephew. She continued "If it were me, i wouldn't have stopped until the loser was not only fired from the force but also doing time for these heinous actions"

In a completely unrelated story, the governor was also exonerated in any wrong doing in the firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Back to the grind...

a little information about the greatness of America.

In the two most trusted surveys of world competitiveness, both the WEF Global Competitiveness Index and The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook have selected the USA as no. 1 again.

These next few years will certainly be a challenge for the United States of America since the crisis we currently face is very similar, although not nearly at the same scale, to what Japan faced in the '90s that greatly dropped their ranking.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Off the Beaten Path

I have been looking over my past blogs, and other than my little celebration of myself reaching my 37th year, i have been a one topic wonder. I have to admit that politics have dominated my thoughts of late, and rightfully so i would say. But, it can't be the only thing running through my head.

So I added, Knight Rider, and Fringe to my DVR que. I have to say both are entertaining but neither leave me as excited as their predecessor.(unfortunately, i compare fringe to the greatest TV show about unexplained phenomena, X-Files). These two shows are slowly reaching the point of being removed from prerecord status.

Now onto the shows from my must watch list.

Heroes, has been much more than anticipated. I am very excited with the direction the writers are taking the series. The only single issue I have and it is wierd to be saying this. the show is almost too unpredictable. With so much destruction of the time continuum, it is hard to believe someone just hasn't cause the entire universe to colapse.

Californication, has been a delight. David Duchonvy is a joy to watch(I can't wait to see the new X-Files movie). The only thing i miss, and the season is still young is more attention on Becca Moody, outstanding played by Madeline Martin. The young daughter of Hank and Karen, brought an often needed break to the story line in the first season. Oh, and more Madeline Zima, after all I am man.

Dexter, has been increasingly exciting. I was concerned where they were going to take the character for a third season. I have to apologize for my trepidations. The writers have been masterful. The sponteous twist at the beginning of the season has brought forth a series of uncontrollable events for a man that really isn't good at things when he doesn't have complete control.

True Blood, the only new shoe on my original must watch list, has been very good and extremely interesting. The characters have been extremely well played. Steven Moyer as the 'mainstreaming' vampire is incredible and Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse is adorable. The recent twist from the last episode really surprised me and has gotten me running through the possible suspects, who are far from the usual.

Entourage, has been good, but seriously it has been the only downpoint of my original list. The guys are still well played and Jeremy Piven is masterful as the deranged agent Ari Gold. It isn't the acting or the characters, in this season, the downer has been the writing. The story has been unimaginative. The true highlight so far has been. Giovonni Ribisi and Luke Haas as the backwood writers, of what is sure to become the hit script in Hollywood.(with or without Vince). I am certainly not giving up on the show, It stills has enough laughs to keep me coming back.

In a month or so, i will be handing out my reviews of my must see movies.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A question for my readers

I apologize for this interuption, but i am curious of what those that read this blog think.

If you want to just post a comment and answer the questions, it would be appreciated. There is nothing scientific about this little poll, just a curiousity on my part.

1) What is rich? (simple question, at what point do your earnings make you rich. $100,000; $250,000; $1,000,000)

2) How much should the rich pay in taxes? (two questions in one, what percentage of their income should go toward taxes, and how much of the total tax burden should be put to them)

Again, I appreciate your replies, I truly feel that the majority of my readers will make the effort to do some research, but i implore you if you haven't already, post first what you feel, then again, if you would like to adjust your answer after you have researched the facts.

Free Enterprise, We should try it sometime.

Thanks John Stossel, for boiling it all down to one simple phrase.

Try Free Enterprise

For the Uninformed...

Anyone that thinks the housing crisis was not a product of policies from the previous administration, is just plain uninformed. Here is a clip from an article written in 1999.

From New York Times, Sept. 30, 1999

Fannie Mae, the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits.

In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980's.

So to all those that think this current economic strain was not foreseen many, many years ago. please get your facts straight before you come to the table.

It is unfortunate, that the Democrats and Liberals in Congress blocked any legislation that would have increased the oversight into this government backed financial sieve.

The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thank You

The following list of people deserve a big thank you, for their courage to do what is right for America.

Jefferson Sessions, Richard Shelby,Wayne Allard, Bill Nelson, Michael Crapo, Samuel Brownback, Pat Roberts, Jim Bunning, Mary Landrieu, David Vitter, Debbie Ann Stabenow, Thad Cochran, Roger Wicker, Jon Tester, Elizabeth Dole, Byron Dorgan, James Inhofe, Ron Wyden, Jim Demint, Tim Johnson, Bernard Sanders, Maria Cantwell, Russell Feingold, John Barrosso, Michael Enzi

Robert Aderholt, W. Akin, Jason Altmire, Michele Bachmann, John Barrow, Roscoe Bartlett, Joe Barton, Xavier Becerra, Brian Bilbray, Gus Bilirakis, Rob Bishop, Marsha Blackburn, Earl Blumenauer, Nancy Boyda, Paul Broun, Virginia Brown-Waite, Michael Burgess, Dan Burton, George Butterfield, Stephen Buyer, Shelley Capito, Christopher Carney, John Carter, Kathy Castor, Donald Cazayoux, Steven Chabot, Ben Chandler, Travis Childers, William Clay, John Conyers, Jerry Costello, Joe Courtney, John Culberson, David Davis, Geoff Davis, Lincoln Davis, Nathan Deal, Peter DeFazio, William Delahunt, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart, Lloyd Doggett, John Doolittle, Thelma Drake, John Duncan, Philip English, Tom Feeney, Bob Filner, Jeff Flake, James Forbes, Jeffrey Fortenberry, Virginia Foxx, Trent Franks, Elton Gallegly, E. Garrett, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Gingrey, Louis Gohmert, Virgil Goode, Robert Goodlatte, Samuel Graves, Raymond Green, Raul Grijalva, Ralph Hall, Doc Hastings, Robin Hayes, Dean Heller, Jeb Hensarling, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Baron Hill, Maurice Hinchey, Paul Hodes, Tim Holden, Kenny Hulshof, Duncan Hunter, Jay Inslee, Darrell Issa, William Jefferson, Henry Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Timothy Johnson, Walter Jones, Jim Jordan, Steve Kagen, Marcy Kaptur, Ric Keller, Steve King, Jack Kingston, Dennis Kucinich, Doug Lamborn, Nicholas Lampson, Thomas Latham, Steven LaTourette, RobertLatta, John Linder, Daniel Lipinski, Frank LoBiondo, Frank Lucas, Stephen Lynch, Connie Mack, Donald Manzullo, Kenny Marchant, Jim Matheson, Kevin McCarthy, Michael McCaul, Thaddeus McCotter, James McDermott, Patrick Mchenry, Mike McIntyre, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, John Mica, Michael Michaud, Candice Miller, Jeff Miller, Jerry Moran, Tim Murphy, Marilyn Musgrave, Grace Napolitano, Randy Neugebauer, Devin Nunes, Ronald Paul, Donald Payne, Steven Pearce, Mike Pence, Collin Peterson, Thomas Petri, Joseph Pitts, Todd Platts, Ted Poe, Tom Price, Dennis Rehberg, Dave Reichert, Rick Renzi, Ciro Rodriguez, Michael Rogers, Dana Rohrabacher, Peter Roskam, Steven Rothman, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Edward Royce, John Salazar, Bill Sali, Linda Sanchez, Loretta Sanchez, Steve Scalise, Robert Scott, F. Sensenbrenner, José Serrano, Carol Shea-Porter, Brad Sherman, John Shimkus, Heath Shuler, Adrian Smith, Christopher Smith,Fortney Stark, Clifford Stearns, Bart Stupak, Gene Taylor, Bennie Thompson, Todd Tiahrt, Michael Turner, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Peter Visclosky, Timothy Walberg, Timothy Walz, Lynn Westmoreland, Edward Whitfield, Rob Wittman, C. W. Young, Donald Young

I purposely left out any political affiliation, because i think we can all agree that when you do what is right for America it rarely has to do with which party you belong.

THANK YOU to all those listed, we may have lost this battle, but keep up the good fight and we will win the war.

Day Thirty-Seven

And this brings us to the end of my little adventure. An adventure through time, since today is my 37th birthday. and the previous 36 days have been highlighted by a song from nearly every year I was alive. I leave it to you my readers to choose a song from 2007 or 2008 to finish out this retrospective. I appreciate you following along. and just for a recap.

1971 - Joy to the World - Three Dog Night
1972 - American Pie - Don McLean
1973 - The Cover of the Rolling Stone - Dr Hook and The Medicine Show
1974 - Lady - Styx
1975 - Feel Like Makin' Love - Bad Company
1976 - Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
1977 - Hotel California - Eagles
1978 - Dust in the Wind - Kansas
1979 - Run Like Hell - Pink Floyd
1980 - Escape(the Pina Colada song) - Rupert Holmes
1981 - Theme from Greatest American Hero - Joey Scarbury
1982 - Faithfully - Journey
1983 - She Blinded Me with Science - Thomas Dolby
1984 - Missing You - John Waite
1985 - Money for Nothing - Dire Straits
1986 - Rock me Amadeus - Falco
1987 - Here I Go Again - Whitesnake
1988 - Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leppard
1989 - Black and Blue - Van Halen
1990 - Empire - Queensryche
1991 - Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince
1992 - Mysterious Ways - U2
1993 - Waisting Time - Collective Soul
1994 - You're Gone, I'm Here - Precious Death
1995 - Space-Dyed Vest - Dream Theater
1996 - Lost the Plot - Newsboys
1997 - Alien - Third Day
1998 - Flying - Grammatrain
1999 - Underdog - Audio Adrenaline
2000 - I Disappear - Metallica
2001 - Set It Off - P.O.D.
2002 - Not Done Yet - SuperChick
2003 - Martyrs and Thieves - Jennifer Knapp & Believe - The Grits
2004 - Broken - Seether
2005 - Photograph - Nickleback
2006 - Good Enough - Evanesence

Monday, October 6, 2008

Day Thirty-Six

Good Enough - Evanescence

Under your spell again
I can't say no to you
crave my heart and its bleeding in your hand
I can't say no to you

Shouldn't let you torture me so sweetly
now I can't let go of this dream
I can't breathe but I feel

Good enough
I feel good enough for you

Drink up sweet decadence
I can't say no to you
and I've completely lost myself and I don't mind
I can't say no to you

Shouldn't let you conquer me completely
now I can't let go of this dream
can't believe that I feel

Good enough
I feel good enough
its been such a long time coming, but I feel good

and I'm still waiting for the rain to fall
pour real life down on me
cause I can't hold on to anything this good
am I good enough
for you to love me too?

so take care what you ask of me
cause I can't say no

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Something about David Mamet

Dinesh D'Souza wrote an interesting tidbit about David Mamet.

Not very big, but when one of the worlds best debaters, writes an article I will always read it. this one just caught my eye, since a few of my friends really love David.

David Mamet Leaves the Brain Dead Liberals

And the article from The Village Voice of which Dinesh writes.

David Mamet: Why I am no longer a brain dead liberal

An article which i found very fascinating. Someone that actually took the time to learn more than the drivel that is force-fed to him. I was more than ecstatic to see him mention Thomas Sowell, a man i think i have extolled, on more than one occasion.

Day Thirty-Five

Photograph - Nickleback

Look at this photograph
Everytime I do it makes me laugh
How did our eyes get so red
And what the hell is on Joey's head

And this is where I grew up
I think the present owner fixed it up
I never knew we'd ever went without
The second floor is hard for sneaking out

And this is where I went to school
Most of the time had better things to do
Criminal record says I broke in twice
I must have done it half a dozen times

I wonder if it's too late
Should i go back and try to graduate
Life's better now than it was back then
If I was them I wouldn't let me in

Oh, oh, oh
Oh, god, I

Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.

Remember the old arcade
Blew every dollar that we ever made
The cops hated us hangin' out
They say somebody went and burned it down

We used to listen to the radio
And sing along with every song we know
We said someday we'd find out how it feels
To sing to more than just the steering wheel

Kim's the first girl I kissed
I was so nervous that I nearly missed
She's had a couple of kids since then
I haven't seen her since god knows when

Oh, oh, oh
Oh, god, I

Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.

I miss that town
I miss the faces
You can't erase
You can't replace it
I miss it now
I can't believe it
So hard to stay
Too hard to leave it

If I could I relive those days
I know the one thing that would never change

Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.

Look at this photograph
Everytime I do it makes me laugh
Everytime I do it makes me...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Day Thirty-Four

Broken - Seether

I wanted you to know
That I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high
And steal your pain
I'd keep your photograph
Cause I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

Because I'm broken
When I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right
When you're gone away

You've gone away
You dont feel me here

The worst is over now
And we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high
And steal my pain
There's so much left to learn
And noone left to fight
I wanna hold you high
And steal your pain

Because I'm broken
When I'm open
And I don't feel like
I am strong enough
Cause I'm broken
When I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right
When your gone away

Because I'm broken
When I'm open
And I don't feel like
I am strong enough
Because I'm broken
When I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right
when your gone away

You've gone away
You don't feel me here

Friday, October 3, 2008

Of Course this week would not be complete....

Of Course this week would not be complete without another link to an article from Thomas Sowell,

Do Facts Matter?

Thanks Thomas for be one of the great american economists that understand the power of the free market. and the dangers of too much power put into governmental hands.

Day Thirty-Three

Martyrs and Thieves - Jennifer Knapp

There's a place in the darkness that i used to cling to
That presses harsh hope against time
In the absence of martyrs there's a presence of thieves
Who only want to rob you blind
They steal away any sense of peace
Tho' I'm a king I'm a king on my knees
And I know they are wrong when they say i am strong
As the darkness covers me

So turn on the lights and reveal all the glory, i am not afraid.
To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness, i have a kingdom to gain.
Where there is peace and love in the light, in the light, i am not afraid
To let your light shine bright in my life, in my life

There are ghosts from my past who've owned more of my soul
Than i thought i had given away
They linger in closets and under my bed and in pictures less proudly displayed
A great fool in my life i have been, have squandered 'til pallid and then
Hung my head in shame and refuse to take blame for the darkness i know i let win

So turn on the lights and reveal all the glory, i am not afraid.
To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness, i have a kingdom to gain.
Where there is peace and love in the light, in the light, i am not afraid
To let your light shine bright in my life, in my life

Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Well, i've never been much for the bearing of soul in the presence of any man
I'd rather keep to myself all safe and secure, in the arms of a sinner I am
Could it be that my worth should depend by the crimson stained grace on a hand
And like a lamp on a hill Lord I pray in your will to reveal all of You that I can

So turn on the lights and reveal all the glory, i am not afraid.
To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness, i have a kingdom to gain.
Where there is peace and love in the light, in the light, i am not afraid
To let your light shine bright in my life, in my life

There's a place in the darkness that i used to cling to
That presses harsh hope against time

--and since technicly i cheated on this one. here is a bonus but still a cheat from the same CD--

Believe - The Grits

What do you believe?

Everybody needs something to see
Something to feel
And something to be
Everybody needs something as proof
Something in hand
To know the truth

Livin lavish like the biltmore
What the blood spilt for
A ship in harbor is safe
But that ain't what it's built for
Do all I can to help you get more
If you forgive my slight intrusion
I see this night is confusin
A constant fight with illusions
Shed a light on conclusions
What you desire is a way out
Day in and day out
Do not disturb signs so I�ll stay out
How long will you let the torture grasp you
I see spirits manifestin
Blockin blessings with the questions
That you hear me ask you
Keep it up so much will pass you
You can make it on a prayer
Yeah that�s true
But barely getting by when you can do more
Why would you want to
Forgettin that the wood�s dry and the fire's on you
Life's a hassle
Be prepared to rassle
It can be rough
But it don�t have to
You can make it full of smiles
Something to laugh to
So pick and chose my message thick
So squeeze and watch it ooze
Make it a game to where your fears lose
Let's go

Everybody needs something to see
Something to feel
And something to be
Everybody needs something as proof
Something in hand
To know the truth

There's a way that seems right
In the heart of a man
And many angels of light
In disguise destroying man
So most chose to refuse
The absolute truth
Replace it with lies
Use ignorance as excuse
It�s hard to conceive
What the mind can�t comprehend
And harder to believe
What the eyes can't understand
We look to theory, philosophies and thought
For a sure foundation
In a belief we once sought
While the shadow of truth
Cast an image so clear
The closer it gets
We reject it out of fear
If we really wanted truth
We would give our lives for it
Walk in its direction of light
For God's glory
The saga continues
Cause most hearts are deceived
If we really wanted truth
We would live and believe
So the saga continues
Cause most hearts are deceived
If we really wanted truth
We would live and believe in it

Everybody needs something to see
Something to feel
And something to be
Everybody needs something as proof
Something in hand
To know the truth

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day Thirty-Two

Not Done Yet - Superchick

superchick in the house tonight
It's been one of those days for a lot of days now
I need a day when the world can take care of itself
This isn't what I wanted how I thought my life would turn out
And I wonder if it's like this from here on out
Sometimes life gets you, but we go on
Sometimes life gets you, we're still going on

We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night, not me and my friends
We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously
It's just life will win in the end
And we walk on and on and on and we walk on and on

It's been one of those days for too many days now
I did a thing that I didn't want to do again
I fell down in the place where I always fall down and I wanna give up
And let it be what it's been
Sometimes life gets you, but we go one
Sometimes life gets you we're still going on...

We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night, not me and my friends
We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously
It's just life will win in the end
And we walk on and on and on and we walk on and on

It's been one of those days but I don't care now
It was only a day and tomorrow's ahead
We got this far and I know that I can ride this one out
Though I want to lie down, well I won't quit yet
Sometimes life gets you, but we go one
Sometimes life gets you we're still going on...

We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night, not me and my friends
We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously
It's just life will win in the end

We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night, not me and my friends
We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously
It's just life will win in the end

We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night, not me and my friends
We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously
It's just life will win in the end
And we walk on and on and on and we walk on and on

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Something Interesting

And it is October....

It is October and Thomas Sowell is on a roll.

Penny-Wise Politics

Check it out.

Added bonus, John Stossel speaks of the need for regulators, (or the opposite)

Regulator Bullies

Day Thirty-One

Set it Off - P.O.D.

Our time has come, watch me set it off
It’s been a while but we back
So you can count it loss

We lay and wait, don’t hesitate
When opportunity knocks
Break the locks and rush the gates
Seize the day, we got moves to make
It’s got to be now
Cause we’re half past late

Say what you say, but you ain’t shown me nothin
If you want me to feel you
Then you best to show me something
All bark and no bite, talking all hype
I hang with the illest
You I don’t recognize

Desensitize and paralyze
Sabotage headquarters
Flood your bloodlines, we sterilize

Here we come
Chant down dem Babylon
The wicked man when he sees me I go run
Me understand
Why dem cowards don’t want none
Underground blaze the sound to Armageddon

(Chorus 2x:)
RISE - Let your spirit fly
RISE- Stand up for yourself
RISE- Hold your head up high

Our time has come
Set it off

Choose my battles, unravel your crew
Dismantle, they still can’t handle or fathom
What I throw at ‘em

I can’t imagine, they babblin’
Acting like I’m laughing, don’t find it funny
But I smile at your sarcasm

You plastic, so tragic, you fake
So you mask it, no gimmicks, no antics
We real and we’ve outlasted

Your phoniness, so you best to come correct
You want to disrespect
Why do cowards talk the loudest

Papa didn’t raise no punk
On everything I love, if you ready
Then come and get it son

Overpower the strong tower
Infiltrate top ranks
Count down the final hour

Here we come
Chant down dem Babylon
The wicked man when he sees me I go run

Me understand
Why dem cowards don’t want none
Underground blaze the sound to Armageddon


We made it this far don’t you quit on me
