Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Catch up with Jason
So 2008 started off with a bang as I finally came to realize that finding someone online probably isn't the right way to go. So after living 2007 in a perputual haze of melancholy, I broke free from the chains of dolefulness. The first few months were pretty much as usual for me.
Then April/June came storming in. I was asked to make plans to move out of the place I was living. This came as a very pleasant surprise, since I was planning on moving, but was seriously dragging my feet. But once I put my mind to it I found a place and was moved in on July 4th. What an Independents Day for me.
Again my life went into a boring recursion, only with new walls, until October rolled in and then I met someone special. Someone beautiful, smart, someone i really liked. She bolstered my confidence and I even began the process of becoming a licensed driver and even started looking for some wheels. The situation wasn't perfect, but I found someone I really liked and truly believed really liked me. But that was all for not. Things change quickly. by the end of Novemeber, she began to see things that were not there. That fell apart, despite my attempts to keep any hope of relationship alive.
Now we are at the last days of 2008 ending the year much the same way i started. Freeing myself from the quagmire, that has become a theme to my attempts at love.
Resolution, Not to dwell in the past, not to give up Hope, but to change hope into generalities rather than specifics. To maintain my integrity, honesty, joy, and above all love. To keep a soft heart. Be there for my friends, as they have always been there for me. And to keep my head up, the years are going by faster now, I don't want to miss anything.
Have a wonderful year. 2009 is going to be a wild ride. Make the most of it.
Your Friend,
Jason Schmidt
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Pizza Tracker
The pizza tracker tells you the name of the employee that preps, cooks, boxes and delivers your order. In addition there is a timer that tells you where your pizza is in the order process.
I recommend everyone that enjoys pizza to give this a shot. Then leave a comment to have them add webcams to each employee so we can actually watch our pizza's being made.
No money was given to me for this plug. Although i will gladly accept any free pizza Domino's is willing to give.
Quite a revelation!
Minorities Should Express Shame, Not Only Pride. - Prager
And are we "lucky"? I think not.
No Such Luck
Employee Free Choice Act? I am pretty after you read this act, you may find some form of oxymoron present. But could it be Unconstitutional? Interesting question.
The Employee Free Choice Act is Unconstitutional - Epstein
and finally, a great article by John Hawkins.
"Mama Government" Treating Americans Like Small Children - Hawkins
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thanks Ann
One Plus One Equals 20 Extra Votes for Franken - Coulter
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Movies, Movies, Movies
You Don't Mess With The Zohan - Decent movie. Adam Sandler is his typical funny. But this is more in the line of Rob Schnieder movie then a classic Sandler film.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall - I started to watch this, but i was sort of in a bad place. so i stopped and watched it again, after I settle somethings in my head. I enjoyed it. Good comedy.
War Inc. - Excellent movie, and not just the Cusack siblings share the spotlight. it is a very good statement movie. although the surprise ending sort of goes over the top a bit.
The Forbidden Kingdom - Decent martial arts movie. Jet Li and Jackie Chan are worth the watch.
Speed Racer - Unless you are a Speed Racer fanatic. Don't bother. And if you are a speed racer fanatic, watch gingerly. Not very good at all.
Never Back Down - Solid movie from the MTV style action scene. Fight Club meets Teen angst film. Where the good guy has his day(sorry to spoil it for you all)
Audition - Great Movie, if you are a horror nut. and don't mind reading sub-titles. or if you just like Freaking nutcase movies that have no business being made. but you are still glad they made them.
Hellboy 2: The Golden Army - Disapointing, not nearly as good as the first one. But worth a look if you enjoy the genre.
Get Smart - Pleasantly surprised. Enjoyable and The Rock has some acting chops.
The Dark Knight(aka Watchmen Trailer) - After watching the fore mentioned trailer about a dozen times. I did break down and watch the movie. Still Excellent. Best Movie of the year, in any genre. Can't wait for the third installment with Christian Bale as Batman. OH yeah 3-6-9 mark the date. keep it free. we all must go see Watchmen.
Tropic Thunder - Very disapointed. Only highlight was Robert Downey Jr. I have to admit he is a great actor.
Hancock - Surprisingly good. Although i shouldn't be surprised, it does star Will Smith. Don't think i have seen a bad Will Smith movie yet.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Interesting movie. that is all i can say. If you are Star Wars nut than it is a must see, but if you are, you probably already have.
X-Files : I want to believe - Incredible, They outdid themselves with this one. Very well written and a pure joy to watch.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
"Say Something Good About Obama"
I am glad Larry Elder did a little more research than I did.
Government to the 'Rescue' - Been There, Done That. - Elder
"Ok, I guess he is likable."
And more from Minnesota, I am glad Ann is watching this. Because I am at my last straw with Minnesota, especially after 2004, when our electors decided to cast one vote for John Edwards, the Vice Presidential candidate on the democratic ticket.
Minnesota Ballots: Land of 10,000 Fakes - Coulter
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Some Interesting things
The Cleanest State Meets The Pushiest Person - Coulter
and a surprising film review from Larry Elder.
'Slumdog Millionaire' - Elder
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Truly Black Friday
After reading that, I grow sick in the stomach. I worked for Wal-Mart for 11 years, so i have seen my fair share of black fridays. Anyone and I mean anyone that can tell me that Wal-Mart holds some responsibility for this heinous act needs to get a grip on reality. I sat and watched as grown adults pushed aside(and by aside, I mean down) 5 year old kids to get at the latest greatest toy. A lot of people in this country have completely lost any semblance of a moral compass. When a mob breaks down a door, that is not Wal-Marts fault, when a mob tramples over an associate, that is not Wal-Marts fault.
The day after thanksgiving sale has been a retail icon for many years. This kind of behavior hasn't been around nearly as long. So anyone that tells me that retail companies put in on the people that they have to buy this item at this time is just insane. I know a huge number of people that can restrain themselves enough not to shop on Black Friday. The full and complete blame falls upon. the people in this crowd. Because although it may have been only one or two people that began the push, that collapsed the door. One or Two people have little sway over a pack of even 10 let alone 25-50 or more.
So I personally hold every single person in the mob responsible for this mans untimely death. The should all be very ashamed. What a wonderful Christmas present you have for your family, under the tree, wrapped in the blood of retail worker, trying to do his job and support him and/or his family.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thankful for this, I am
Thanks for all you do. The Americans that don't hold anyone responsible for their well being other than themselves.
Thanks for the Advice - O'Riley
Giving Thanks for Self-Reliant Americans - Malkin
and i end with this one question. What did Americans do when they couldn't go shopping on Thanksgiving or Christmas day or any holiday for that matter. If you didn't have sugar or salt or milk or eggs or any number of countless items people forget to pick up before the holiday, and there was no place to go buy it. What did we do? Please someone, anyone tell me. What did we do? I am surprised this country made it out the 20th century. I witnessed the near panic in some people as they discovered they could not buy Kool-aid, on thanksgiving day. "Oh my God, my kids are going to have drink plain water, The horror!" Or 'Oven-Bags'. "How do i cook a turkey without an 'Oven-Bag'?" I have an idea, maybe just maybe this is how we managed to survive countless years with no stores open on holidays. 1)Buy the stuff before hand, Be prepared. 2)borrow what you need from your neighbor, you know the ones that figured out how to plan ahead.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Real Story
Monday, November 24, 2008
But finally through all my article watching i have found one worthy of linking here. It is about something greatly dear to my heart. The science of religion, or is that the religion of science. Maybe a little bit of both. well anyway, my words do not it justice.
When Science points to God - Dinesh D'Souza
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Really! I knew!
You are a Social Liberal (66% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (83% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also : The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Something Different
but that is not really what i am going to talk about today. I want to congratulate all the American born Magic players with their outstanding accomplishments this year.
With only the World Championship left this year, which is being held in Memphis, TN. The United States put up a dominating show this year. After a few years of European, followed by Japanese dominance at the pro-tour level, The US put up three huge victories this year.
It all started in February, in Kuala Lumpur, when a household name came back to crush the competition. John Finkle, aka Johny Magic, took down a huge field in a format that he excels in. Some claim booster draft is what seperates the good players from the great players, and Johny Magic does it better than most.
In May it was off to Hollywood, CA where 22 year old Charles Gindy took the title in my favorite format, Standard. With a card pool the size never seen since the official formatting, the decks where as varried as the people that played them.
Then finally, it started Halloween Night, an Extended tournament shortly after a cycle of cards left the format, and a small number entering to replace them. The format was ripe for the breaking. Unfortunately the deck that would come to break the format, was the worst kept secret in Magic. with nearly one-fourth of the field playing some form of the deck commonly known as "Elfball", and Three-fourths of the final 8 wielding the deck. It was almost assured that it would win. What was not certain, was which version had the muscle to top the rest. Luis Scott-Vargas piloted his superfast (with potential turn two kill) version past his worst matchup to advance to the semi-finals but then in the finals to muscle past one of the few "Elfball" decks with answers to the mirror match.
Gratz to all three and to all the US players, and good luck at Worlds.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Do You Need Obama to Believe? - Elder
It is amazing. Thanks Larry, for all your words.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What to do?
So first off. I was curious on somethings. I started to do some research on some terms and when they came about. Liberal or liberalism, a word so much found in disgust lately many democrats have started to claim themselves as progressive. Well, it turns out "liberal" was coined by many democrats shortly after the government handouts, that elongated the great depression, to seperate themselves from the word they used to describe themselves was becoming disgusting. What was that word? "Progressive!"
And now a great article by John Stossel. a man that can really put things in a nutshell.
Who Will Run America? - Stossel
Is it possible to be too optimistic? I think that is the one major problem with the conservatives in America. We(and I do include myself in the category) believe in the greatness of America, and there is nothing, the freedoms we are granted can not overcome. The one thing I believe we fail to see, is when those things are an actual attack on those freedoms.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My Favorite Economist
Ego and Mouth - Sowell
Obama, Powell and Popularity - Sowell
I personally am hoping for the best in this country, and I leave you with this. Having a Congress and a president of the same party(either party) does not always lead to the best things. I will elaborate on this in the near future.
For those of you who don't know. I LOVE GRIDLOCK!!!!!!!
Spoiler Alert....Spoiler Alert
I was excited to see this movie, even with several people saying it wasn't that good and South Park lampooning its creation as a raping of the franchise. After the first scene, which only importance was introducing the major players in the movie, I was almost ready to turn it off. Why?, you ask. Well simply put for something to be made by Lucas/Spielberg to have the most horrific green-screening since the late seventies(scratch that, pre-seventies). I was appalled.
But, after I managed to fight my way through the first scene, the movie skipped ahead at a frenetic pace, maybe even too frenetic. The puzzle, that encompassed the search seem to fall into place for Indy, rather than Indy finding the answers.
And with its wild assertation about the origins of a lost city in the amazon, and the crystal skulls themselves. I begin to wonder if the "anti-religion" fanatics forced this movie after the huge success of the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, as i feel they did with the with the first two movies. Is it not enlightening to Hollywood, the two better selling Indy's were focused around Judeo/Christian artifacts and the other two will simply get lost in the shuffle.
I give this one 2.5 out 5. Because the actions scenes were cool and the return of Marion(Karen Allen).
Bonus Spoiler Alert.
I wasn't intending to watch Sex and the City, the movie. But i broke down and did. I was very impressed. After enjoying the first three seasons of the show, then being turned off by the writers insistance of making alternative life-styles a theme of every other show, I was worried, I would not enjoy the movie.
I was pleasantly surprised, the writting seemed to mirror that of the first view seasons of the show. It was quite entertaining to see the movie end with the Miranda, Charlotte and Carrie, each sticking it out with the men they each love. And truer still Samantha staying her coarse as a One woman, woman(that woman being herself).
4 out of 5 for this one.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Some more good reading
Taxing Times - Sowell
A Perfect Storm - Sowell
Senator Government - Elder
I hope you enjoy, and learn something. I feel there are those that have already made up their mind well before knowing or learning anything about either candidate, to those I say "Boo! Boo to you!!"
Have a great weekend.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Spoiler Alert....Spoiler Alert
First, let me preface this by saying I truly enjoy M. Night Shyamalan's movies. Even the ones the critics panned.
There is no shocker twist in this movie, there is no "I figured it out, when.."s. This movie leaves little if nothing to the imagination. Unless you count the poster board acting. Mark Wahlberg, Zoey Decshanel, and John Leguizamo, three actors i honestly can say, i look forward to seeing them in movies. all played their roles as if they mailed them in. I was unimpressed.
If this was an eco-friendly message movie, it misses the target by a mile, and if it is not than it missess the target by ten miles. I seriously wanted to deforest north america when i was done watching this movie, not out of fear but out of disgust.
I look forward to Max Payne(Wahlberg) and more so The Brazilian Job, The Ministers (Leguizamo) and 500 days of summer(Deschanel) to get this horendously poor acting taste out of my mouth.
BUT and the plus side, i did watch Sold Out, A threevening with Kevin Smith. It left me laughing with a pain in my side. Best line: "the bruce looked with a grin and said 'ok, and who was your second choice to play John McClane.'"
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Another editorial
Editing Their Way to Oblivion:
and in case you missed it earlier since I put it in late.
Orson Scott Card
Thursday, October 23, 2008
All this is just amazingly to me, especially when the the events I listed have been perpetrated by people I have been told exhort tolerance. It truly sickens me, it also reminds of a song(surprised).
Tolerance - Precious Death
If everything is relative, and nothing absolute,
then why don't I just take this gun....
But, if somethings are always wrong,
then, something must be right.
Tolerance, Tolerance,
but you can't tolerate me
so you move it around
'til you start liking the sound
the truth's too hard and too true
for me to give it to you
and you can hate me,
but, you can't break me.
(aah)never knew the name of the game
(aah)never knew the words were the same
(aah)never knew the real thing
it's easy for a man to say everything is meaningless and relative,
'til he looks at pictures of his kids
i have known many men who have floated in these foolish words
but have never known one they could live by
Tolerance, Tolerance,
but you can't tolerate me
so you stereotype
and change the wrong and the right
and then you whine and complain
until you drive me insane
and you can hate me
but you can't break me
(aah)never knew the name of the game
(aah)never knew the words were the same
(aah)never knew the real thing
Some people are taught to be ignorant
but some people have to try real hard.
Tolerance Tolerance,
but you can't tolerate me
so you keep living a lie,
and i keep asking you why
the truths a little to true
for me to give it to you
and you can hate me,
but you can't break me.
(aah)never knew the name of the game
(aah)never knew the words were the same
(aah)never knew the real thing
Remakes, Spin-Offs and Adaptations
The long awaited successful spin-off of Sienfeld, as well as another good spin-off from Cheers. Cliff Clavin the idiot savant from Cheers, finally moves away from his mother and finds a great roommate in the ever lovable Newman, from Sienfeld. Let the comedy insue.
Remakes have an inheirant problem. If they were good enough to be considered for a remake, there is really no need for one. The grand exception for this would be something that could be made to look better. and unfortunately I just can't think of anything i would want to see, maybe my devoted readers have some ideas.
I would love to see the entire story of Drizzt Do'Urden adapted to the screen, either big or small. but i would want the entire story, so it would a lot of movies.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sowell, Stossel and Boortz
Stossel -Unappreciated Spontaneous Order
Sowell - Polls and Pols
I know, that's a lot of reading. I assure you, I will have more to write of my own soon. I have this great story about a fisherman, anyone interested in reading it?
Sorry, I had to add one more. It isn't often i read an editorial I truly enjoy.
Orson Scott Card
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Time to use the "C" word
You have been warned.
And to continue my theme of adding some humor with the serious, check out this funny clip.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Democratic Math...
For the last year my friend was giving his oldest a child a monthly allowance of $10. Now in my personal opinion that isn't alot, but still is something, considering the child doesn't have to buy anything of necessity.
Recently the child came to his parent and asked for a raise in the allowance. Being a fairly just parent, my friend asked "How much are thinking you should get?" The child shot for the moon and replied "$20 a month." The brake lights went on and my friend said "Whoa there, I think we can do something about getting you more, but that would be double"
So after a discussion with the spouse they decided to up the allowance to $15 a month. Well the child appeared to be happy with that, until reports started to come in from parents of this child's friends. It seemed the child was telling people, my friend had cut the allowance in half.
When i was first told this story, I just started to laugh, it just shook me as unbelievably funny. until i realized my friend wasn't joking. My Friend chatted with the child and the child justified the statement by claiming he asked for a $10 raise and only got a $5 increase and that is half.
It suddenly donned on me, that sounds like democratic math when they don't get all the money they wanted for some special interest yet the amount given to them is more than the previous year. They like to call that a cut.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Economists that are smart.
Here is an article some may find interesting.
Hundreds of Economists....
And for those that don't get all excited about economics.
Universal Lawn Care....
Saturday, October 11, 2008
News From an Alternate Universe
The fact that State Trooper, and ex-husband to the governors sister, Wooten allegedly tasered her own nephew, did not motivate the Governor to make any effort to use her position to push along any investigation. . She simply stood by and did nothing.
"The simple fact that the governor did not use her power as chief executive of Alaska to pressure those in charge to take action proves her inexperience and unwillingness to challenge others in the face of true adversity." said an Alaskan citizen and mother of a son, the same age as Palin's nephew. She continued "If it were me, i wouldn't have stopped until the loser was not only fired from the force but also doing time for these heinous actions"
In a completely unrelated story, the governor was also exonerated in any wrong doing in the firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Back to the grind...
In the two most trusted surveys of world competitiveness, both the WEF Global Competitiveness Index and The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook have selected the USA as no. 1 again.
These next few years will certainly be a challenge for the United States of America since the crisis we currently face is very similar, although not nearly at the same scale, to what Japan faced in the '90s that greatly dropped their ranking.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Off the Beaten Path
So I added, Knight Rider, and Fringe to my DVR que. I have to say both are entertaining but neither leave me as excited as their predecessor.(unfortunately, i compare fringe to the greatest TV show about unexplained phenomena, X-Files). These two shows are slowly reaching the point of being removed from prerecord status.
Now onto the shows from my must watch list.
Heroes, has been much more than anticipated. I am very excited with the direction the writers are taking the series. The only single issue I have and it is wierd to be saying this. the show is almost too unpredictable. With so much destruction of the time continuum, it is hard to believe someone just hasn't cause the entire universe to colapse.
Californication, has been a delight. David Duchonvy is a joy to watch(I can't wait to see the new X-Files movie). The only thing i miss, and the season is still young is more attention on Becca Moody, outstanding played by Madeline Martin. The young daughter of Hank and Karen, brought an often needed break to the story line in the first season. Oh, and more Madeline Zima, after all I am man.
Dexter, has been increasingly exciting. I was concerned where they were going to take the character for a third season. I have to apologize for my trepidations. The writers have been masterful. The sponteous twist at the beginning of the season has brought forth a series of uncontrollable events for a man that really isn't good at things when he doesn't have complete control.
True Blood, the only new shoe on my original must watch list, has been very good and extremely interesting. The characters have been extremely well played. Steven Moyer as the 'mainstreaming' vampire is incredible and Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse is adorable. The recent twist from the last episode really surprised me and has gotten me running through the possible suspects, who are far from the usual.
Entourage, has been good, but seriously it has been the only downpoint of my original list. The guys are still well played and Jeremy Piven is masterful as the deranged agent Ari Gold. It isn't the acting or the characters, in this season, the downer has been the writing. The story has been unimaginative. The true highlight so far has been. Giovonni Ribisi and Luke Haas as the backwood writers, of what is sure to become the hit script in Hollywood.(with or without Vince). I am certainly not giving up on the show, It stills has enough laughs to keep me coming back.
In a month or so, i will be handing out my reviews of my must see movies.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A question for my readers
If you want to just post a comment and answer the questions, it would be appreciated. There is nothing scientific about this little poll, just a curiousity on my part.
1) What is rich? (simple question, at what point do your earnings make you rich. $100,000; $250,000; $1,000,000)
2) How much should the rich pay in taxes? (two questions in one, what percentage of their income should go toward taxes, and how much of the total tax burden should be put to them)
Again, I appreciate your replies, I truly feel that the majority of my readers will make the effort to do some research, but i implore you if you haven't already, post first what you feel, then again, if you would like to adjust your answer after you have researched the facts.
For the Uninformed...
From New York Times, Sept. 30, 1999
It is unfortunate, that the Democrats and Liberals in Congress blocked any legislation that would have increased the oversight into this government backed financial sieve.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Thank You
Robert Aderholt, W. Akin, Jason Altmire, Michele Bachmann, John Barrow, Roscoe Bartlett, Joe Barton, Xavier Becerra, Brian Bilbray, Gus Bilirakis, Rob Bishop, Marsha Blackburn, Earl Blumenauer, Nancy Boyda, Paul Broun, Virginia Brown-Waite, Michael Burgess, Dan Burton, George Butterfield, Stephen Buyer, Shelley Capito, Christopher Carney, John Carter, Kathy Castor, Donald Cazayoux, Steven Chabot, Ben Chandler, Travis Childers, William Clay, John Conyers, Jerry Costello, Joe Courtney, John Culberson, David Davis, Geoff Davis, Lincoln Davis, Nathan Deal, Peter DeFazio, William Delahunt, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart, Lloyd Doggett, John Doolittle, Thelma Drake, John Duncan, Philip English, Tom Feeney, Bob Filner, Jeff Flake, James Forbes, Jeffrey Fortenberry, Virginia Foxx, Trent Franks, Elton Gallegly, E. Garrett, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Gingrey, Louis Gohmert, Virgil Goode, Robert Goodlatte, Samuel Graves, Raymond Green, Raul Grijalva, Ralph Hall, Doc Hastings, Robin Hayes, Dean Heller, Jeb Hensarling, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Baron Hill, Maurice Hinchey, Paul Hodes, Tim Holden, Kenny Hulshof, Duncan Hunter, Jay Inslee, Darrell Issa, William Jefferson, Henry Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Timothy Johnson, Walter Jones, Jim Jordan, Steve Kagen, Marcy Kaptur, Ric Keller, Steve King, Jack Kingston, Dennis Kucinich, Doug Lamborn, Nicholas Lampson, Thomas Latham, Steven LaTourette, RobertLatta, John Linder, Daniel Lipinski, Frank LoBiondo, Frank Lucas, Stephen Lynch, Connie Mack, Donald Manzullo, Kenny Marchant, Jim Matheson, Kevin McCarthy, Michael McCaul, Thaddeus McCotter, James McDermott, Patrick Mchenry, Mike McIntyre, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, John Mica, Michael Michaud, Candice Miller, Jeff Miller, Jerry Moran, Tim Murphy, Marilyn Musgrave, Grace Napolitano, Randy Neugebauer, Devin Nunes, Ronald Paul, Donald Payne, Steven Pearce, Mike Pence, Collin Peterson, Thomas Petri, Joseph Pitts, Todd Platts, Ted Poe, Tom Price, Dennis Rehberg, Dave Reichert, Rick Renzi, Ciro Rodriguez, Michael Rogers, Dana Rohrabacher, Peter Roskam, Steven Rothman, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Edward Royce, John Salazar, Bill Sali, Linda Sanchez, Loretta Sanchez, Steve Scalise, Robert Scott, F. Sensenbrenner, José Serrano, Carol Shea-Porter, Brad Sherman, John Shimkus, Heath Shuler, Adrian Smith, Christopher Smith,Fortney Stark, Clifford Stearns, Bart Stupak, Gene Taylor, Bennie Thompson, Todd Tiahrt, Michael Turner, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Peter Visclosky, Timothy Walberg, Timothy Walz, Lynn Westmoreland, Edward Whitfield, Rob Wittman, C. W. Young, Donald Young
I purposely left out any political affiliation, because i think we can all agree that when you do what is right for America it rarely has to do with which party you belong.
THANK YOU to all those listed, we may have lost this battle, but keep up the good fight and we will win the war.
Day Thirty-Seven
1971 - Joy to the World - Three Dog Night
1972 - American Pie - Don McLean
1973 - The Cover of the Rolling Stone - Dr Hook and The Medicine Show
1974 - Lady - Styx
1975 - Feel Like Makin' Love - Bad Company
1976 - Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
1977 - Hotel California - Eagles
1978 - Dust in the Wind - Kansas
1979 - Run Like Hell - Pink Floyd
1980 - Escape(the Pina Colada song) - Rupert Holmes
1981 - Theme from Greatest American Hero - Joey Scarbury
1982 - Faithfully - Journey
1983 - She Blinded Me with Science - Thomas Dolby
1984 - Missing You - John Waite
1985 - Money for Nothing - Dire Straits
1986 - Rock me Amadeus - Falco
1987 - Here I Go Again - Whitesnake
1988 - Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leppard
1989 - Black and Blue - Van Halen
1990 - Empire - Queensryche
1991 - Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince
1992 - Mysterious Ways - U2
1993 - Waisting Time - Collective Soul
1994 - You're Gone, I'm Here - Precious Death
1995 - Space-Dyed Vest - Dream Theater
1996 - Lost the Plot - Newsboys
1997 - Alien - Third Day
1998 - Flying - Grammatrain
1999 - Underdog - Audio Adrenaline
2000 - I Disappear - Metallica
2001 - Set It Off - P.O.D.
2002 - Not Done Yet - SuperChick
2003 - Martyrs and Thieves - Jennifer Knapp & Believe - The Grits
2004 - Broken - Seether
2005 - Photograph - Nickleback
2006 - Good Enough - Evanesence
Monday, October 6, 2008
Day Thirty-Six
Under your spell again
I can't say no to you
crave my heart and its bleeding in your hand
I can't say no to you
Shouldn't let you torture me so sweetly
now I can't let go of this dream
I can't breathe but I feel
Good enough
I feel good enough for you
Drink up sweet decadence
I can't say no to you
and I've completely lost myself and I don't mind
I can't say no to you
Shouldn't let you conquer me completely
now I can't let go of this dream
can't believe that I feel
Good enough
I feel good enough
its been such a long time coming, but I feel good
and I'm still waiting for the rain to fall
pour real life down on me
cause I can't hold on to anything this good
am I good enough
for you to love me too?
so take care what you ask of me
cause I can't say no
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Something about David Mamet
Not very big, but when one of the worlds best debaters, writes an article I will always read it. this one just caught my eye, since a few of my friends really love David.
David Mamet Leaves the Brain Dead Liberals
And the article from The Village Voice of which Dinesh writes.
David Mamet: Why I am no longer a brain dead liberal
An article which i found very fascinating. Someone that actually took the time to learn more than the drivel that is force-fed to him. I was more than ecstatic to see him mention Thomas Sowell, a man i think i have extolled, on more than one occasion.
Day Thirty-Five
Look at this photograph
Everytime I do it makes me laugh
How did our eyes get so red
And what the hell is on Joey's head
And this is where I grew up
I think the present owner fixed it up
I never knew we'd ever went without
The second floor is hard for sneaking out
And this is where I went to school
Most of the time had better things to do
Criminal record says I broke in twice
I must have done it half a dozen times
I wonder if it's too late
Should i go back and try to graduate
Life's better now than it was back then
If I was them I wouldn't let me in
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, god, I
Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.
Remember the old arcade
Blew every dollar that we ever made
The cops hated us hangin' out
They say somebody went and burned it down
We used to listen to the radio
And sing along with every song we know
We said someday we'd find out how it feels
To sing to more than just the steering wheel
Kim's the first girl I kissed
I was so nervous that I nearly missed
She's had a couple of kids since then
I haven't seen her since god knows when
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, god, I
Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.
I miss that town
I miss the faces
You can't erase
You can't replace it
I miss it now
I can't believe it
So hard to stay
Too hard to leave it
If I could I relive those days
I know the one thing that would never change
Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye.
Look at this photograph
Everytime I do it makes me laugh
Everytime I do it makes me...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Day Thirty-Four
I wanted you to know
That I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high
And steal your pain
I'd keep your photograph
Cause I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
Because I'm broken
When I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right
When you're gone away
You've gone away
You dont feel me here
The worst is over now
And we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high
And steal my pain
There's so much left to learn
And noone left to fight
I wanna hold you high
And steal your pain
Because I'm broken
When I'm open
And I don't feel like
I am strong enough
Cause I'm broken
When I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right
When your gone away
Because I'm broken
When I'm open
And I don't feel like
I am strong enough
Because I'm broken
When I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right
when your gone away
You've gone away
You don't feel me here
Friday, October 3, 2008
Of Course this week would not be complete....
Do Facts Matter?
Thanks Thomas for be one of the great american economists that understand the power of the free market. and the dangers of too much power put into governmental hands.
Day Thirty-Three
There's a place in the darkness that i used to cling to
That presses harsh hope against time
In the absence of martyrs there's a presence of thieves
Who only want to rob you blind
They steal away any sense of peace
Tho' I'm a king I'm a king on my knees
And I know they are wrong when they say i am strong
As the darkness covers me
So turn on the lights and reveal all the glory, i am not afraid.
To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness, i have a kingdom to gain.
Where there is peace and love in the light, in the light, i am not afraid
To let your light shine bright in my life, in my life
There are ghosts from my past who've owned more of my soul
Than i thought i had given away
They linger in closets and under my bed and in pictures less proudly displayed
A great fool in my life i have been, have squandered 'til pallid and then
Hung my head in shame and refuse to take blame for the darkness i know i let win
So turn on the lights and reveal all the glory, i am not afraid.
To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness, i have a kingdom to gain.
Where there is peace and love in the light, in the light, i am not afraid
To let your light shine bright in my life, in my life
Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Well, i've never been much for the bearing of soul in the presence of any man
I'd rather keep to myself all safe and secure, in the arms of a sinner I am
Could it be that my worth should depend by the crimson stained grace on a hand
And like a lamp on a hill Lord I pray in your will to reveal all of You that I can
So turn on the lights and reveal all the glory, i am not afraid.
To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness, i have a kingdom to gain.
Where there is peace and love in the light, in the light, i am not afraid
To let your light shine bright in my life, in my life
There's a place in the darkness that i used to cling to
That presses harsh hope against time
--and since technicly i cheated on this one. here is a bonus but still a cheat from the same CD--
Believe - The Grits
What do you believe?
Everybody needs something to see
Something to feel
And something to be
Everybody needs something as proof
Something in hand
To know the truth
Livin lavish like the biltmore
What the blood spilt for
A ship in harbor is safe
But that ain't what it's built for
Do all I can to help you get more
If you forgive my slight intrusion
I see this night is confusin
A constant fight with illusions
Shed a light on conclusions
What you desire is a way out
Day in and day out
Do not disturb signs so I�ll stay out
How long will you let the torture grasp you
I see spirits manifestin
Blockin blessings with the questions
That you hear me ask you
Keep it up so much will pass you
You can make it on a prayer
Yeah that�s true
But barely getting by when you can do more
Why would you want to
Forgettin that the wood�s dry and the fire's on you
Life's a hassle
Be prepared to rassle
It can be rough
But it don�t have to
You can make it full of smiles
Something to laugh to
So pick and chose my message thick
So squeeze and watch it ooze
Make it a game to where your fears lose
Let's go
Everybody needs something to see
Something to feel
And something to be
Everybody needs something as proof
Something in hand
To know the truth
There's a way that seems right
In the heart of a man
And many angels of light
In disguise destroying man
So most chose to refuse
The absolute truth
Replace it with lies
Use ignorance as excuse
It�s hard to conceive
What the mind can�t comprehend
And harder to believe
What the eyes can't understand
We look to theory, philosophies and thought
For a sure foundation
In a belief we once sought
While the shadow of truth
Cast an image so clear
The closer it gets
We reject it out of fear
If we really wanted truth
We would give our lives for it
Walk in its direction of light
For God's glory
The saga continues
Cause most hearts are deceived
If we really wanted truth
We would live and believe
So the saga continues
Cause most hearts are deceived
If we really wanted truth
We would live and believe in it
Everybody needs something to see
Something to feel
And something to be
Everybody needs something as proof
Something in hand
To know the truth
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Day Thirty-Two
superchick in the house tonight
It's been one of those days for a lot of days now
I need a day when the world can take care of itself
This isn't what I wanted how I thought my life would turn out
And I wonder if it's like this from here on out
Sometimes life gets you, but we go on
Sometimes life gets you, we're still going on
We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night, not me and my friends
We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously
It's just life will win in the end
And we walk on and on and on and we walk on and on
It's been one of those days for too many days now
I did a thing that I didn't want to do again
I fell down in the place where I always fall down and I wanna give up
And let it be what it's been
Sometimes life gets you, but we go one
Sometimes life gets you we're still going on...
We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night, not me and my friends
We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously
It's just life will win in the end
And we walk on and on and on and we walk on and on
It's been one of those days but I don't care now
It was only a day and tomorrow's ahead
We got this far and I know that I can ride this one out
Though I want to lie down, well I won't quit yet
Sometimes life gets you, but we go one
Sometimes life gets you we're still going on...
We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night, not me and my friends
We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously
It's just life will win in the end
We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night, not me and my friends
We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously
It's just life will win in the end
We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night, not me and my friends
We're not done yet, don't take it too seriously
It's just life will win in the end
And we walk on and on and on and we walk on and on
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
And it is October....
Penny-Wise Politics
Check it out.
Added bonus, John Stossel speaks of the need for regulators, (or the opposite)
Regulator Bullies
Day Thirty-One
Our time has come, watch me set it off
It’s been a while but we back
So you can count it loss
We lay and wait, don’t hesitate
When opportunity knocks
Break the locks and rush the gates
Seize the day, we got moves to make
It’s got to be now
Cause we’re half past late
Say what you say, but you ain’t shown me nothin
If you want me to feel you
Then you best to show me something
All bark and no bite, talking all hype
I hang with the illest
You I don’t recognize
Desensitize and paralyze
Sabotage headquarters
Flood your bloodlines, we sterilize
Here we come
Chant down dem Babylon
The wicked man when he sees me I go run
Me understand
Why dem cowards don’t want none
Underground blaze the sound to Armageddon
(Chorus 2x:)
RISE - Let your spirit fly
RISE- Stand up for yourself
RISE- Hold your head up high
Our time has come
Set it off
Choose my battles, unravel your crew
Dismantle, they still can’t handle or fathom
What I throw at ‘em
I can’t imagine, they babblin’
Acting like I’m laughing, don’t find it funny
But I smile at your sarcasm
You plastic, so tragic, you fake
So you mask it, no gimmicks, no antics
We real and we’ve outlasted
Your phoniness, so you best to come correct
You want to disrespect
Why do cowards talk the loudest
Papa didn’t raise no punk
On everything I love, if you ready
Then come and get it son
Overpower the strong tower
Infiltrate top ranks
Count down the final hour
Here we come
Chant down dem Babylon
The wicked man when he sees me I go run
Me understand
Why dem cowards don’t want none
Underground blaze the sound to Armageddon
We made it this far don’t you quit on me
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bailout Politics
Just the link, for those with weak hearts and think ALL economists think alike.
Bailout Politics
Day Thirty
Hey, hey, hey
Here I go now, here I go into new days
Hey, hey, hey
Here I go now, here I go into new days
I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer
Yeah, hey, hey, heeee-heeeey
Here I go into new days
Hey, hey, hey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me
Hey, hey, hey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me
I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer
Yeah, hey, hey, heeee-heeeey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me
Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, than it's time I disappear
Hey, hey, hey
And i went, then I went on down that road
Hey, hey, hey
And i went, then I went on down that road
I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer
Hey, hey, heeeeee-heeeeey
And i went, then I went on down that road
Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, than it's time I disappear x2
I'm gone! I'm gone! I'm gone baby!
Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, than it's time I disappear x2
Oh, disappear
Monday, September 29, 2008
My Friend Ron Paul Speaks.
No Cheers for the Bailout, an Interview with Ron Paul. by Bill Steigerwald
You can't pin any blame for the country's financial meltdown on Congressman Ron Paul. The libertarian Texas Republican and former Pittsburgher has been warning for two decades about the unhappy -- and inevitable -- economic consequences of a loose monetary policy, fiscal irresponsibility and too much meddling in the marketplace by the federal government.
Not surprisingly, Rep. Paul says he is "positively opposed" to what he calls the Bush administration's "slipshod" $700 billion bailout plan. As Paul warned the House of Representatives Wednesday, "Our economy faces a bleak future, particularly if the latest $700 billion bailout plan ends up passing. We risk committing the same errors that prolonged the misery of the Great Depression, namely keeping prices from falling."
I talked to Paul by phone from Washington early Thursday evening as the Beltway political powers were still meeting and trying to agree on how to fix the problem they are largely responsible for creating.
Q: I suspect we won't hear you cheering about the bailout -- or "The Rescue" -- as they are trying to call it?
A: No way. I think that it's just going to bring more problems. You can't stop a problem of too much spending and too much deficits and too much monetary inflation with more of it. So I’m positively opposed to the bailout and believe it will just delay the correction that is required. We need to correct the imbalances and if you interfere, you just delay it and make it more difficult and make the problems worse for ourselves.
Q: Did you see President Bush’s 15-minute speech on the economic crisis Thursday night?
A: I did see part of it.
Q: Do you think he is telling the story as straight as he should be or is he glossing over some things?
A: Well, I’m sure he’s glossing over. I imagine he believes what he’s saying. But you know I was just on the (House) floor and a couple other members came over and showed me some articles and letters they’ve received. One was from a banker who’s involved with 1,500 banks in the South. He was positively opposed to the bailout. He said, “Why punish all of us when just a few people have really messed up?” Someone else came along with a chart that showed that credit has not frozen up and that there’s as much credit available in the last couple weeks as there was in the last six months. So that means the (bailout supporters) are working on some propaganda to sort of frighten members of Congress into voting for it. If you don’t vote for it, and there’s a problem, then you’re going to be blamed for it.
Q: Is this truly a national crisis? So many of national crises really are regionalized or localized problems.
A: I think of it as a crisis. I've been talking about it for a long time and have said we will have a financial disruption and an attack on the dollar. But I think the way they are talking is that if you don't pass it this weekend then by Monday the market might go down 10,000 points. I think it's not that type of crisis, but I think it's very significant that if we continue our ways we'll eventually destroy the dollar. Yet what they are doing is bringing that on because they are doing the wrong thing.
Q: You pin most of the blame for this crisis on government.
A: Oh yeah. More specifically, the Federal Reserve. (It's) responsible for the booms and the busts. You can't have this type of a boom cycle without a Federal Reserve and a central bank and it can be bounded with other parts of the government. Legislation might push an excessive amount of money into certain areas in addition to the easy-money system, and that's what I think happened. There were these affirmative action programs where banks were literally encouraged or told they had to make bad loans. The Community Reinvestment Act tells them they can be fined a lot of money for denying loans that are risky. It's sort of ironic.
And if one looks at the total problem of inflation, in which prices go up because of the increases in the money supply, certain areas go up much faster than others. So medical care and education and houses went up much faster but then there has to be corrections. They get out of whack and these prices have to come down. So we see the correction and the sooner you get the prices down, the better it is for everybody.
Q: From what I understand the major problem goes back to housing, housing, housing. Home prices were inflated and now the bubble has burst and you argue that prices should be allowed to fall to whatever their real level should be and not be propped up by a federal bailout.
A: That's right, and I accuse (Federal Reserve Chairman Ben) Bernanke of being a price-fixer. He wants to buy these illiquid assets and keep the price up and they may be worthless. So they want you to limit your thinking to the immediate problem -- the downturn in the housing market. But they don't want to talk about who caused the upturn and the excesses in the housing market -- and that was government. They don't talk about the cause. They just say, "We're here now. What are we going to do about it?" In medicine, you can't really treat a disease very well if you don't know the exact cause.Q: The $700 billion figure. If you multiply roughly 3 million homes in foreclosure by $100,000 -- assuming they are underwater on their mortgages by an average of $100,000 -- that's "only" $300 billion.
A: So where's all this money going, huh?
Q: Yes.
A: Propping up derivatives; that's the scam. It's the so-called "illiquid assets." I think that's a misnomer. I think it's "worthless assets" that are being bought up so some of these big guys don't get wiped out.
Q: You say a $700 billion bailout is only a temporary fix.
A: Yeah, it is. If you come to the conclusion that you have to liquidate debt, the faster you get it over with the sooner the economy goes back to work. So they're propping up the prices artificially on houses and at the same time they are saying, "How can we stimulate housing growth?" Well, there are too many houses. You want the supply and demand of houses to adjust, so you let the prices of houses come down and let the houses get in the hands of people who really want them and can afford them and you quit building houses for a while.
So, yeah, you have a booming economy when you deceive the people and you stimulate the economy with easy credit. But you've got to make up for it eventually, and that's the part that nobody likes. We have prevented any attempt at correction essentially over the past 20 years. So we have a bigger bubble than ever before, which means we'll have a bigger correction than ever before. So the only question is, should it be a short, tough correction or a very long, tough correction?
Q: What is your solution for avoiding this kind of sudden national emergency?
A: You need to allow a liquidation of debt, which means bankruptcies. You should treat it like Lehman Brothers -- let them go broke and the good assets will be bought up. But you should restore confidence and encourage business activity. It isn't a lack of regulation that was the problem, it was the lack of the market being allowed to work.
We don't need more Sarbanes-Oxley (financial reporting) regulations like those that came out of Enron. But we should assure the markets that we are going to live within our means. I think the federal budget ought to be balanced. You could do that rather quickly by changing our foreign policy. But people aren't quite willing to give up the welfare-warfare state. But if you did that, things could come back very quickly.
and a link if you wish to venture deeper into the Light Side.
Day Twenty-Nine
I am so weak and I'm so tired
It's hard for me to
Find enough strength to feed the fires
That fuel my ego
And consequently all my pride has all but died
Which leaves me
Down on my knees
Back to the place I
Should have started from
Been beat up
Been broken down
Nowhere but up
When you're facedown
On the ground
I'm in last place
If I place at all
But there's hope for this underdog!
That's the way, uh-huh, we like it!
That's the way, uh-huh, we like it!
You can call me the underdog
I'm in this race to win a prize
The odds against me
The world has plans for my demise
What they don't see
Is that a winner is not judged by his small size
But by the substitute he picks to run the race
And mine's already won
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Day Twenty-Eight
Last night i dreamed a strange, peculiar dream
A child slept underneath a great birds wing
Laid on the ground, where warmth was found
Until he woke and crawled away on hands and knees
Flying in my dream
Flying in my dream
A snake told stories, to the child, untrue
The child bent down and felt its poison tooth
Started to die, The bird did fly
Swallowed the snake, to save the child and then it died
Flying in my dream
Flying in my dream
The dead bird lay, for three whole days
Then spread its wings and flew away
I woke up early, while the sun still slept
This strange dream circulating in my head
Stared at the ceiling, pondered its meaning
The dream would not leave although i left my bed
Flying in my dream
Flying in my dream
The dead bird lay, for three whole days
Then spread its wings and flew away
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Day Twenty-Seven
I'm what your looking for
No need to search any more
I'm in need of your saving
You can give me hope
Rescue my wretched soul
You are the one I am praying
I am just like the alien
the fatherless and the widow
I am just like the alien
the fatherless and the widow
Keep your watch over me
Sustain the life in me
Frustrate the ways of every wicked man
Let me inside your home
Father defend my cause
Plead for my case and my innocence
I am just like the alien
the fatherless and the widow
I am just like the alien
the fatherless and the widow
Just like the alien,
I'm a stranger in a strange land
Just like the fatherless I am in need
of someone to take my hand
Just like the widow,
I need you right now to understand and
save me. Won't you save me?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Day Twenty-Six
When you come back again
would you bring me something from the fridge?
Heard a rumor that the end is near
but I just got comfortable here.
Let's be blunt.
I'm a little distracted.
What do you want?
Headaches and bad faith
are all that I've got.
First I misplaced the ending
then I lost the plot.
Out among the free-range sheep
while the big birds sharpen their claws.
For a time we stuck with the shepherd
but you wouldn't play Santa Claus.
Let's be blunt.
We're a little distracted.
What do you want?
Once we could follow,
now we cannot.
You would not fit our image,
so we lost the plot.
Once we could hear you,
now our senses are shot.
We've forgotten our first love.
We have lost the plot, lost the plot
When I saw you for the first time
you were hanging with a thief
And I knew my hands were dirty,
and I dropped my gaze.
Then you said I was forgiven
and you welcomed me with laughter.
I was happy ever after.
I was counting the days
when you'd come back again.
we'll be waiting for you
When you comin' back again?
we'll be ready for you
Maybe we'll wake up when...
maybe we'll wake up when
you come back again.
Let's be blunt.
We're a little unfaithful.
What do you want?
Are you still listening?
`Cause we're obviously not
We've forgotten our first love
We have lost the plot.
And why are you still calling?
You forgave, we forgot.
We're such experts at stalling
now we've lost the plot. lost the plot
lost the plot, lost the plot
When you come back again
would you bring me something from the fridge?
Heard a rumor that the end is near
but I just got comfortable here.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Day Twenty-Five
Falling through pages of martens on angels
Feeling my heart pull west
I saw the future dressed as a stranger
Love in a space-dye vest
Love is an act of blood and Im bleeding
A pool in the shape of a heart
Beauty projection in the reflection
Always the worst way to start
But hes the sort who cant know
Anyone intimately, least of all a
Woman. he doesnt know what a woman
Is. he wants you for a possession,
Something to look at like a painting or an ivory box.
Something to own and to display. he doesnt want you to be real,
Or to think or to live. he doesnt love you, but I love you.
I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas and feelings, even when
I hold you in my arms. its our last chance... its our last chance...
Now that youre gone Im trying to take it
Learning to swallow the rage
Found a new girl I think we can make it
As long as she stays on the page
This is not how I want it to end
And Ill never be open again
...i was gonna move out...ummm...get,
Get a job, get my own place, ummm,
But... I go into the mall where i
Want to work and they tell me, im,
I was too young...
Some people, gave advice before,
About facing the facts, about
Facing reality. and this is, this
Without a doubt, is his biggest
Challenge ever. hes going to have to face it.
Youre gonna have to try, hes gonna to have to try and,
Uh, and, and, and get some help here. I mean no one can
Say they know how he feels.
That, so they say that, in ya know
Like, houston or something, youd
Say its a hundred and eighty degrees,
But its a dry heat
. in houston they say that?
Oh, maybe not. Im all mixed up.
Dry until they hit the swimming pool.
...i get up with the sun... listen.
You have your own room to sleep in,
I dont care what you do. I dont
Care when. that door gets locked,
That door gets locked at night by nine oclock.
If youre not in this house by nine oclock, then youd better find some
Place to sleep. because youre not going to be a bum in this house.
Supper is ready...
Theres no one to take my blame
If they wanted to
Theres nothing to keep me sane
And its all the same to you
Theres nowhere to set my aim
So Im everywhere
Never come near me again
Do you really think I need you
Ill never be open again, I could never be open again.
Ill never be open again, I could never be open again.
And Ill smile and Ill learn to pretend
And Ill never be open again
And Ill have no more dreams to defend
And Ill never be open again
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Let them eat Steak!
Knowing i still had some work on that today, I went to work with a lot of stuff to do today. I had to go to the bank and track down some old check card numbers that were attached to my account in the past.
After multiple run a rounds, and i mean that truthfully, (i had to actually, go back to the back after i was on my way home.)
So, after everything was figured out and still looking ahead to the daunting task of finishing the fixes on my computer. I decided to stop for steak. I went to Applebees. Thanks Bill. I still had the gift card from last century.
and now i think i have my computer running properly again but we will see.
Day Twenty-Four
You're cold and I'm here talkin' to myself
'bout you and everybody else
My words are hard to swallow but
here's a few that you can take with you
Well, it's killing me, but one day you'll be seeing me, yeah
You're gone, and I'm here,
and i think about the things I never told you
While you were on planet, right beside me
You're gone and I'm here now
I guess I waited one day too long, for tomorrow
I haven't slept for two days
and I don't think I'll sleep tomorrow
You're gone and I'm here
could be twenty years before I follow you to glory
where one day you'll be seeing me, yeah
You're gone, and I'm here,
and i think about the things I never told you
While you were on planet, right beside me
You're gone and I'm here now
I guess I waited one day too long, for tomorrow
Well, it's killing me, but one day you'll be seeing me, yeah
You're gone, and I'm here,
and i think about the things I never told you
While you were on planet, right beside me
You're gone and I'm here now
I guess I waited one day too long
You're gone, and I'm here,
and i think about the things I never told you
While you were on planet, right beside me
You're gone and I'm here now
I guess I waited one day too long, I guess I waited one day too long, for tomorrow
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
OK, This has got to be....
On Fox News, reporting about new child size exercise equipment. I actually heard the following.
From Dr. Jennifer Walden of Lenox Hill Hospital
"...It is not a complete substitute for exercise, but kids have a higher rate of childhood obesity..."
Now I will certainly admit that she may have just been trying to quote some cool findings. but I am not certain I have met many adults that are suffering from childhood obesity. So the fact that childhood obesity strikes kids at a higher rate really doesn't surprise me.
Day Twenty-Three
Something's going wrong inside of you
Burdens bearing down and seeping through
Well, I don't want to bleed anymore for you
And I don't want to breathe any hatred too
Sitting while your world just floats around
Now you want to move 'cause it's crashing down
Well, I don't want to sing you guarantees
And I don't want to cling to our use to be's
So take your heart, take your soul
Just get yourself on out of here
Yeah, take your hurt, take your pain
Just get yourself on out of here
Wasting time
That's all you'll do if you're waiting for me
Wasting time
I don't see what you think I see
Wasting time
That's all you'll do if you're waiting for me
Wasting time
I don't want what you think I need
Monday, September 22, 2008
List one. Books I have read that I really enjoyed.
The 2000 Year Legacy - Dennis H. Jennison
Slander - Ann Coulter
Alas, Babylon - Pat Frank
Give Me A Break - John Stossel
The Ten Things You Can't Say In America - Larry Elder
Infinite Loop - Michael S. Malone
Where Wizards Stay Up Late - Katie Hafner & Matthew Lyon
Freakonomics - Steven D Levitt & Stephen J Dubner
The Fair Tax Book - Neal Boortz & John Linder
If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat - Hugh Hewitt
Harry Potter Collection - J. K. Rowling
Legend of Drizzt Collection - R. A. Salvatore
This Present Darkness & Piercing The Darkness - Frank E. Peretti
List Two, These are books i really want to read, hopefully before the year is over.
Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
Basic Economics & Applied Economics - Thomas Sowell
The Inheritance Cycle - Christopher Paolini
The Iliad & The Odyssey - Homer
Somebody's Got To Say It - Neal Boortz
Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity - John Stossel
*Intercessory Prayer - Dutch Sheets
Day Twenty-Two
ohnny take a walk with your sister the moon
Let her pale light in to fill up your room
You've been living underground
Eating from a can
You've been running away
From what you don't understand...
She's slippy
Your're sliding down
She'll be there when you hit the ground
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
She moves in mysterious ways
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
She moves in mysterious ways
Johnny take a dive with your sister in the rain
Let her talk about the things you can't explain
To touch is to heal
To hurt is to steal
If you want to kiss the sky
Better learn how to kneel
(on your knees boy)
She's the wave
She turns the tide
She sees the man inside the child
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
She moves in mysterious ways
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
She moves in mysterious ways
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
Lift my days, light up my nights
One day you will look...back
And you'll see...where
You were
By this love...while
You could stand...there
You could move on this moment
Follow this feeling
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
She moves in mysterious ways
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
She moves in mysterious ways
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
We move through miracle days
Spirit moves in mysterious ways
She moves with it
She moves with it
Lift my days, light up my nights
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Some Funny Things!!
After my phone calls, I sat there and just got more nauseated. then I spent most of the night in the bathroom, dry heaving. (now don't get disgusted). But it was at this point, I began to realize, how in the deep history of time, people could honestly believe when someone was ill they were actually possessed by demons.
I was convulsing and making some pretty ungodly noises. I actually laughed at that thought.
Something that actually heard on the TV. I think it was one of the Law and Order shows. This phrase keeps popping into my head and it just makes me chuckle. the actor was referring to a vehicle the suspect owned.
"Just big enough for a headless torso."
Why did the skeleton not go to the dance? It had no body to go with!
Day Twenty-One
Summer, summer, summertime
Time to sit back and unwind
Here it is the groove slightly transformed
Just a bit of a break from the norm
Just a little somethin to break the monotony
Of all that hardcore dance that has gotten to be
A little bit out of control its cool to dance
But what about the groove that soothes that moves romance
Give me a soft subtle mix
And if aint broke then dont try to fix it
And think of the summers of the past
Adjust the base and let the alpine blast
Pop in my cd and let me run a rhyme
And put your car on cruise and lay back cause this is summertime
School is out and its a sort of a buzz
A back then I didnt really know what it was
But now I see what have of this
The way that people respond to summer madness
The weather is hot and girls are dressing less
And checking out the fellas to tell em whos best
Riding around in your jeep or your benzos
Or in your nissan sitting on lorenzos
Back in philly we be out in the park
A place called the plateau is where everybody goes
Guys out hunting and girls doing likewise
Honking at the honey in front of you with the light eyes
She turn around to see what you beeping at
Its like the summers a natural afradesiac
And with a pen and pad I compose this rhyme
To hit you and get you equipped for the summer time
Its late in the day and I aint been on the court yet
Hustle to the mall to get me a short set
Yeah I got on sneaks but I need a new pair
Cause basketball courts in the summer got girls there
The temperatures about 88
Hop in the water plug just for old times sake
Break to ya crib change your clothes once more
Cause youre invited to a barbeque thats starting at 4
Sitting with your friends cause yall remincise
About the days growing up and the first person you kiss
And as I think back makes me wonder how
The smell from a grill could spark up nostalgia
All the kids playing out front
Little boys messin round with the girls playing double-dutch
While the djs spinning a tune as the old folks dance at your family
Then six oclock rolls around
You just finished wiping your car down
Its time to cruise so you head to the summertime hangout
It looks like a car show
Everybody come lookin real fine
Fresh from the barber shop or fly from the beauty salon
Every moment frontin and maxin
Chillin in the car they spent all day waxin
Leanin to the side but you cant spead through
Two miles an hour so everybody sees you
Theres an air of love and of happiness
And this is the fresh princes new defintion of summer madness
Saturday, September 20, 2008
One more movie on my going to see list.
Who is to blame?
Where I stand it is much ado about nothing. I count myself lucky for that.
5 years ago i was in the market to buy a house. I was single, making nearly $50k a year. I truly believed it was time to take advantage of the great deals. Today, i am back to my post college salary, and can barely squeak by on my month to month rent. Why did i not by a house when i had the great opportunity.
First and foremost, I am intelligent. I always do the most research possible. I looked at my present situation, added to that several varying scenarios for the future, and told myself, "This is too risky for me to take out a huge loan for a house" Might I add, I am also a seer. (only joking)
You ask why i tell this story, when the subject of my post is 'Who is to blame?' Well I know if i was in the boat of no longer being able to pay off my loan. I would be the first to step up and say it was my fault. I have friends and family that are going through the possibility of losing houses, and yet they only look at what they could do or could have done differently.
So i guess my first idea of who is to blame is the person that took out the loan. In a 'desperate' need to get out of the shackles of renting, they forged into a new territory without the full knowledge of what is completely at stake.
But i am not done.
(Made up story)
I am a bank, I offer loans to new home buyers. I did my job by very strict rules. I was only able to loan to those people I could assuredly say will pay the loan back(preferably at the full length of the loan), and for homes in safe and secure areas.
Somewhere along the line an entity more powerful than I, stepped in and said "you can no longer 'redline' certain areas and people of certain stature, you must find a way to give out those loans." So i went to the drawing board to find a solution to the problem, typically I do not oblige such demands, but when they come from the government both state and federal, I tend to do what I can to follow their instructions.
So, following the governments directive, I began loaning money to people and in places I most certainly would not have in the past. Giving them opportunities for lower down payments longer more secure interest rates.
(end of story)
That story is where i come with my second idea of who is to blame. Government, both states and Federal, all Legislative, executive and judicial branches. For amazingly it usually takes all three to screw up that bad.
(another made up story0
Here I am again, a bank. Facing some tough times, I have given out many loans in the past few years and many of which to people that I normally wouldn't consider. But now i am getting demands from my shareholders that i need to make more money. And if there is anyone I listen to more strictly than the government, it is my shareholders.
So back to the drawing board to figure out a way to turn these loans into some profit. Bingo, refinancing. I will get those people to reinvest the equity they have in their newly purchased home. Showing I have recovered fully from the first loan. In essence I will borrow money to Peter, so peter can pay me back. (oh I don't want to fail to mention, the second loan to Peter was worth more than the first and most likely not under the same, much more affordable, but not nearly as moneymaking as the first)
(end of this story)
So my third idea of who is to blame. The Banks, they took advantage of a rising economy and good housing market and pushed people into the refinancing game.
Although i do believe some of what the banks did was underhanded. It could have easily been stopped by being intelligent with your money and your loan. Unfortunately a lot people take what is given to them, and when offered more money, they take it, not ever realizing the cost to themselves or their future.
So back to the question at the top of my post. Well the answer is EVERYONE. but that isn't sexy or headline grabbing, so you probably won't see that as a headline. Plus in a major election year, you won't see anyone ever taking personal responsibility for any of their own actions, and you will certainly not see anyone blaming the citizens for not educating themselves fully.
So now that the blame game is over. How do we fix it? Let me think on that one. I have some ideas of what do once we are free of this strait. But currently I have mixed emotions on how to fix it. I am not one for putting people out on the streets, but i am also not into footing the bill for someone elses ignorance(especially when that someone else is an elected official)
Stay tuned, for my thoughts on where to go from here. (and trust me i don't think either major party candidate has it right!)