Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Favorite Economist

Yes, Thomas Sowell has been on a writing rampage. I can not blame him. He has a message and he wants to be sure it gets out. If you have the heart to learn something, check out these links.

Ego and Mouth - Sowell

Obama, Powell and Popularity - Sowell

I personally am hoping for the best in this country, and I leave you with this. Having a Congress and a president of the same party(either party) does not always lead to the best things. I will elaborate on this in the near future.

For those of you who don't know. I LOVE GRIDLOCK!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

First off let me put up a disclaimer saying there is a lot to respond to from both of these Sowell articles. I read both of these articles and I see that Sowell presents himself very articulately and he seems like an amazing writer as well as an intelligent and well respected person who is not afraid to saw what he believes. Having said that.

I think he has some amazingly strong points and I agree with his second article in the sense that maybe Americans can't be the heroes of the world and we need to worry about other things for now such as our own economy and what is best for our own interests before we go out there and start policing the world. I'm ignorant to the ideas of Colin Powell and therefore I can't comment on them fully but I do agree that he has definitely helped Obama by saying that he was backing him as far as the election went. As far as Colin Powell flip-flopping, or anyone for that matter... I believe people should change as they grow and they wish to better themselves as they see the other side of the story. You don't simply say this is what I said at first but now that I'm more informed I'm going to stay the same because I don't want to flip flop this is absurd. You would change your opinion as you learn more and grow. Case in point, I was for ethanol while I listened to NPR and heard about the benefits it brought for the country etc, but after learning about the full use of ethanol I only believe it to be a short term fix and not something that is beneficial in the long run. Does this make me a flop flopper, no, it simply means that I educated myself and I changed my mind on the issue because as we grow we change and we try to better ourselves in any way possible. Maybe Colin Powell was simply doing the same thing...

On the first article. He does a good job of pointing out that Biden may be a bit arrogant and communicates himself falsely to the world. Yes, this happens I agree but at the same time what other politicians don't? but maybe he does it to a far greater extent.
Something I must highlight that is a quote from Sowell is,
"He can cripple the military and gamble America's future on his ability to sit down with enemy nations and talk them out of causing trouble.

Now I agree using military presence is important in foreign affairs to some extent but while we are wasting massive amounts of money on wars that we could be more positively investing in our own economy and our health care infrastructure and giving our citizens new hope in every way. We should be focused on diplomacy over war, and life saving over life ending. We have a moral obligation to save lives of all people regardless of differences we are all people and WE ALL MATTER. That is the bottom line. We are not clay, we have souls, we can think, we can reason, we are humans and we are amazingly intricate beings. Peace/Diplomacy in almost all situations. Aside from this I can't comment on much else, and I think Sowell has a well written article.


Jase said...

Twice i have seen you use the "Yeah, but who doesn't do that' excuse. So my challenge to you is. Lets find people that don't. Don't lie to get elected, don't side step questions, don't look like complete morons when they open their mouth, don't put their political carreer above the people. When you find those people vote for them and vote for them often...until they turn ugly too.