Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spoiler Alert....Spoiler Alert

If you haven't watched "The Happening" and you intend to, read no further. what you are about to read is esential plot themes revealed completely in the first third of the movie.

First, let me preface this by saying I truly enjoy M. Night Shyamalan's movies. Even the ones the critics panned.

There is no shocker twist in this movie, there is no "I figured it out, when.."s. This movie leaves little if nothing to the imagination. Unless you count the poster board acting. Mark Wahlberg, Zoey Decshanel, and John Leguizamo, three actors i honestly can say, i look forward to seeing them in movies. all played their roles as if they mailed them in. I was unimpressed.

If this was an eco-friendly message movie, it misses the target by a mile, and if it is not than it missess the target by ten miles. I seriously wanted to deforest north america when i was done watching this movie, not out of fear but out of disgust.

I look forward to Max Payne(Wahlberg) and more so The Brazilian Job, The Ministers (Leguizamo) and 500 days of summer(Deschanel) to get this horendously poor acting taste out of my mouth.

BUT and the plus side, i did watch Sold Out, A threevening with Kevin Smith. It left me laughing with a pain in my side. Best line: "the bruce looked with a grin and said 'ok, and who was your second choice to play John McClane.'"


Anonymous said...

I want to see Max Payne, simply because explosions are cool sometimes!

Also I agree it seems like no one really liked the movie "The Happening." But at least the level of acting and plotlines can only move up from here!


Jase said...

I hope so. Stay tuned for another spoiler alert... Indy Style.