Friday, April 10, 2009

Phrases Defined...(by me)

Nuclear Winter

I remember hearing and reading this phrase quite a bit when I was growing up. The environmental extremists used it to describe what all the pollution was doing to our weather. Too much smoke and debris was being thrown into our skies, preventing the suns light and heat from entering, causing a cooling effect on the earth.

This was only 15 to 20 years ago.

But now for some reason the same pollutants that seemed to cause global cooling are now causing global warming. I wonder how long until we go back to cooling or maybe these radicals will see the light and discover that these things happen in cycles and start to claim the cycles aren't happening. "Oh No, we have to stop global weather stagnation, The average temperature of the earth hasn't changed we must stop companies from producing stuff."

-Global Weather Stagnation- the next environmental wacko outcry.

Pursuit of Happiness

One of the unalienable rights endowed by our Creator, or so says The Declaration of Independence. But what does it mean? How do we define it? Recently, There has been ramblings that it means everyone has the right to be happy. But as you can imagine, I don't agree. For the phrase is not simply "Happiness". but the "PURSUIT of Happiness".

So what makes you happy? You have the right to pursue that. There is no guarantee you will ever achieve it. That part is not endowed by our Creator. Only the pursuit. Unfortunately for many, pursuit requires action of their own. You must actually do something to gain that happiness you long for. It will not be provided for you, only the freedom to pursue it.

Supply-Side Economics - Trickle-Down Economics - Capitalism

These are all one in the same. Lately they have been demonized. They are held up as, what has caused the recent economic downturn. Cries for more regulation, as so called facts of capitalism failure run rampant. I would like to know, when has America fully embraced true capitalism. Every time I turn around someone, somewhere is putting a restriction on how someone else runs their business. You can not have true capitalism when there is any regulation. If capitalism is a failed system, I will freely admit it, but only after it is truly tried. We can not serve two masters.

Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

No words in any American document have been misquoted or misrepresented then these. Often quoted as "separation of church and state" This phrase does not prohibit anyone from being religious, on the contrary this protects those that choose to be religious. It does not say our government officials can not abide by their religion, it only states those officials can not force anyone else to practice them. As a matter of fact, it actually protects their right to ask people to practice them. It also protects the right of those that wish not to.

War on Drugs - War on Terror

These two phrases although mean two totally different things, have one major thing in common. How does someone fight Drugs/Terror? Drugs are not a street thug, but a substance that's sole purpose is to distort one's reality and terror is not an enemy combatant, but rather a means and/or an ends to achieving a fearful response. Both have existed since the dawn of civilization(probably before) and will continue to exist until it's end(probably after).

So instead of waging war on drugs/terror, could we possibly start fighting their proprietors.


Unknown said...

Hey Jase, I finally got here! Life's been crazy. Anyway, good thoughts. I especially like the climate stagnation thing--good one!

Jase said...

Haha, don't be surprised if people start to use it. I think i may try to copyright it. then make some money. kaching!!