Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Congressional Approval?

With Congress' Approval rating still sitting south of acceptable one begins to wonder why, we the people, continue to vote the same people in again and again.

Do we believe it is the other guy, it can't be our guy that is messing things up. Let me pull back the current and reveal the truth. It is our guy, it is your guy. There are very few true congressmen.

It is my opinion that it is the job of your congressmen to make sure you, as their constituent, don't get screwed, it is not their responsibility to assure you get the biggest slice of the pie the can cut out for you.

I would say,and this is not factually backed, just my pure speculation, there is probably 1-5% of congress that truly takes their job seriously and do their job as it is written in the constitution. that means 1 to 5 Senators, and 4 to 22 Representatives that are looking out for America and it's future and not just the next election or payday.

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