Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I am an Extremist!?!

I have learned recently, that because I don't completely agree with the policies the present administration is setting into place, I am an extremist. I am not certain if my meager blog has yet caught the eye of federal officers, but I am sure it will.

What is my crime for being label as such. Well, I believe in the US Constitution. I believe it was set forth to separate powers between the National Government and the individual States. I believe the current administration is bulldozing that separation, by forcing States, Local Municipalities, and even Private Businesses to adhere to the rule of the federal government.

So I am an extremist, a radical, just like the country's founders. I feel honored to be in such company.


Can the American people be so lost in this economic downturn to miss this. Our government wants to spend nearly $4trillion dollars next year and our president is parading around a $100 million cut like it is something special. Don't get me wrong if the President can cut $100 million from his budget, I am all for it. Just don't brag about it like you are doing something amazing.

Seriously, let me try that. I think in my budget next year I am going spend $40,000. Oh wait, I only make $25,000 a year, so that isn't going to add up. Lets readjust my budget. $39,999.99, Let's see if that works.

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