Thursday, April 23, 2009

Statistics and Facts

I have have had it with statistics and facts. So few people have any clue how to use them or in some cases what they really are.

I am tired of people quoting statistics that the not only can not cite from where they acquired them but can't even explain their relevancy to there argument.

--- People born in the 21st century have it so much better than those born in the 20th century. Of those born after 1900 less then 10% still live today, yet over 90% of those born after 2000 are alive and well. ---

Wow that is an interesting statistic, but really has no reference that proves my initial point. But wow, doesn't it sound cool!!!

Often times a statistics relevance may be good but the use to defend your point isn't strong.

--- You drive carefully always, statistics prove that the majority of accidents happen within 5 minutes of your home. ---

This is one of my favorites, because although the fact backs up the assumption you should always drive carefully. It does not relate the entire story. Because statistics prove you do the majority of your driving within 5 minutes from your home. It would only be basic thinking to conclude the majority of accidents will occur where you do the majority of your driving. It would be almost as bad to say. The majority of car accidents involve cars. Or Pedestrians that walk in the middle of the road are more likely to be hit by traffic then those that walk on the sidewalk.

And yet these statistics have some semblance of truth, for none of them have I nor can I back up with any study or research I have done. This is what irritates me the most. People spouting out facts and statistics without quoting the source or the research. This leads to not only incorrect facts and statistics but often times purely fictitious ones.

--- 95% of High School Drop outs are Democrats ---

You figure out where that one fits in my rant.

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