Monday, June 16, 2008

Money and Drugs

Can't be certain if this is occurring in only my area, or if this is a trend nationwide. Banks and Pharmacies abound.

It would seem the two major industries in America are Money and Drugs!

In my area alone, (and I am not talking about the city i live in, I am talking about within a 15 minutes drive) there are 7 to 10 locations of national pharmacy chains, 5 to 7 big box stores, including discount retailer and grocery stores, with pharmacies inside. It would seem the drugging of America has no boundaries. If it ails you, we have a pill to fix it, or at least make you feel better about it. But I ask, if pharmaceuticals are so expensive, so outrageously priced, what is the need for the countless number of banks?

Again in my area alone. There are easily over 20 different banks. Including several with multiple branch offices, and yet another one in the process of being built. Are people really saving that much money. Or are they just borrowing it? And if the answer is borrowing, I certainly hope someone is saving, or the banks are loaning money they don't have.

I personally have nothing against the multiple places to get and store money, or to buy pharmaceuticals. The more competition, the better for the consumer. But If that theory holds true with banks and pharmacies, shouldn't it hold true with anything else. Like maybe schools, or energy. two things this country could definitely use some form of competition.

Better, Cheaper, More Reliable.

Here is to hoping the next major industry shift is to Education and Energy. Once we get that Straightened, Maybe we can start manufacturing stuff again.

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