Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Volley

So you have come to read my first blog ever.

Why would I, of all people, blog? Mainly cause I have tried other things, and they never seem to stick. Although, I am not sure what would draw someone to read my rantings. I assure you at some point you will be entertained, at other points you will be bored, and yet other points you may just be annoyed.

What do I intend to blog about? Mainly anything that crosses my mind. Politics, Movies, Music, Games, Television, Books, Work. Basically anything and everything that interests me.

How often do I intend to blog? Whenever it suits my fancy. Hopefully more often then, the countless journals I have started.

Who am I? I am Midwestern Middle-aged Male. I am not rich, but i am certainly not poor. I am single(but always looking). I like being entertained, as well as entertaining. I read a lot. I watch a lot of television, and a lot of movies. I play a lot of games. I am conservative politically but don't hold that against me. I believe the government should just butt out of our lives. I believe that Americans are much better off, as people and as citizens, when left alone.

Enough 'about' the blog.

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