Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Say Something Good About Obama"

When I was asked this question, my reply was "Something Good About Obama"

I am glad Larry Elder did a little more research than I did.

Government to the 'Rescue' - Been There, Done That. - Elder

"Ok, I guess he is likable."

And more from Minnesota, I am glad Ann is watching this. Because I am at my last straw with Minnesota, especially after 2004, when our electors decided to cast one vote for John Edwards, the Vice Presidential candidate on the democratic ticket.

Minnesota Ballots: Land of 10,000 Fakes - Coulter


Anonymous said...

I'm not going to comment on Obama except I believe he is a very intelligent and likable person. He has a charisma about him and I myself like the man.

I remember listening to National Public Radio the other day and having people talk about recounting votes. Someone who counted things for a job called in and informed the anchor that no matter what you will have small margins of error, very tiny margins of error, but realistically the machine will do just as good of a job as the hand counts. Possibly even better depending.

Doing recounts is silly and it just wastes money. I'd personally not waste money on the recounts and go with the results. Also one recount is enough you're done, you had your shot MOVE ON. Yes it may suck that you lost, but don't arrogantly demand another recount and waste more money that realistically we shouldn't be spending right now....


Jase said...

I Have nothing against Obama as a person. I am sure he is a stand up guy. I am sure he is nice and means well. I just don't agree with his policies.

But the recount up here is rediculous. I remember reading someone saying that Coleman should just concede. LOL and we have yet to see any count that puts Franken in the lead. That is the mentality of the MOVE ON types.