Monday, December 29, 2008

Catch up with Jason

So we come to the end of another year. This will be my 38th New Years Celebration. Although i couldn't tell much about the first few...oh well... I probably couldn't tell you much about the last few either. What i can tell you is what has been going on in my life.

So 2008 started off with a bang as I finally came to realize that finding someone online probably isn't the right way to go. So after living 2007 in a perputual haze of melancholy, I broke free from the chains of dolefulness. The first few months were pretty much as usual for me.

Then April/June came storming in. I was asked to make plans to move out of the place I was living. This came as a very pleasant surprise, since I was planning on moving, but was seriously dragging my feet. But once I put my mind to it I found a place and was moved in on July 4th. What an Independents Day for me.

Again my life went into a boring recursion, only with new walls, until October rolled in and then I met someone special. Someone beautiful, smart, someone i really liked. She bolstered my confidence and I even began the process of becoming a licensed driver and even started looking for some wheels. The situation wasn't perfect, but I found someone I really liked and truly believed really liked me. But that was all for not. Things change quickly. by the end of Novemeber, she began to see things that were not there. That fell apart, despite my attempts to keep any hope of relationship alive.

Now we are at the last days of 2008 ending the year much the same way i started. Freeing myself from the quagmire, that has become a theme to my attempts at love.

Resolution, Not to dwell in the past, not to give up Hope, but to change hope into generalities rather than specifics. To maintain my integrity, honesty, joy, and above all love. To keep a soft heart. Be there for my friends, as they have always been there for me. And to keep my head up, the years are going by faster now, I don't want to miss anything.

Have a wonderful year. 2009 is going to be a wild ride. Make the most of it.

Your Friend,
Jason Schmidt


Unknown said...

Happy new year, bud. I will call you eventually! Things just get so darn busy... do you have an email address I could write to?

Jase said...

Yeah, I will send you a mail from my most current unspammed email address soon

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Jason!

I hope that the New Year will bring many good things for you! I hope that your life will be filled with joy and I know that your optimism will lead you to success. Take care my friend and may your 2009 be exceptional!
