Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Lately I have been hearing a lot, and i mean "A LOT" of talk about experience, from both sides of the political spectrum. Obama has been an psuedo-absentee senator as he has run for president, Palin is a working mother that runs of the least populated states in the Union.

My question to all these pundits, Who exactly has the experience of running the worlds greatest country? The daily stress, the unending decisions, the overwhelming consequences. My answer is no one. There has never nor will there ever be a new president(or vice president for that matter) that can trully say they have the experience to hold the office. You can claim that running multi-billion dollar companies is a close match, or maybe running Large, Heavily Populated States. But no matter how close you get with any former life experiences, none of that could even reach the base of the mountain, of which at its peak is the presidency.

So lets cut out the experience to lead the country bit. It just isn't there from anyone. and let hold true to what really matters. Character, and Platform. Why are these too things the most important.

Platform is what they intend to do. Does it match with what you would like to see the president acomplish? Is it what you think is best for the country as a whole.


Character is how much we can trust them to do what ever it takes to acomplish those goals. and How much they really believe it is what is best for the country as a whole.

Extra Note: When you raise taxes, my only request is you only take the water from their side of the bucket and not from our side. (Thanks Fred Thompson, One of the greatest things i have heard in recent history)


Anonymous said...

I agree that character and platform are very important characteristics that we need to see in our future leaders of America regardless of who they may be. This upcoming election will be quite interesting and I'm really curious to see what will happen. I'm quite excited for the president and Vp nominee debates against one another in the upcoming future. They should be enjoyable to watch.


Jase said...

I agree, and in the first time in my 37, (19 if you count only when I really had any say)years. I may actually pay attention to the VP debates. After all they are only one heartbeat away from the presidency. Or maybe it is just that Sarah is a Hottie. LOL