Saturday, January 10, 2009

Where has it gone?

The Shining Light? The City on A hill? The Bastion of Freedom?

The greatest country in the world is slowly melting away.

I ask, What made this country great? Was it the leaders that continue to look after the only thing they care about, their power and their pocketbook? or Was it individuals that created businesses, that created jobs, that created a fortune for not only themselves but many other people?

As more and more control of our public and private life is seized by a corrupt and often times idiotic government, are we now seeing the end.

I do not write this as an attack on any single politician, or even all politicians. I am simply in tears at the wasted greatness our fore-fathers and their fore-fathers granted to us all.

We as a people continue to hand over the keys to a few individuals who continue to prove they have no idea how to drive. When did we go from a government "by the people, for the people." to "Let Mommy Government fix everything." When did we go from "Ask not, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" to "What have you done for me lately!"

We have slowly turned into a bunch of whining babies, that are not happy unless we are given our allowance, whether we did our chores or not. Being Grounded means, I still get to watch TV, play video games, surf the internet and even chat with my friends. Using various phrasings of the popular child mantra "But Jimmy has one, why can't I!"

If our Great Grandparents could see us now. they would turn us over and give our behinds a good whoopin' Because that is what they did to kids that acted like spoiled brats. And just think they raised what some call the Greatest Generation.

Think on that!


Anonymous said...

Well unfortunately you must define greatness first before you can look at anything else. What is greatness?

I have no amazing answer to that question. I believe greatness can be many things and it is different things to many people.

I believe what truly makes us great is what makes all people great is our ability to choose and think and succeed by working hard. Now it seems that some people feel they should have everything handed to them on a silver platter.
I feel that there is a massive amount of people walking around day in and day out no idea what they plan to do 10 years from now and how they will live their lives. People don't think ahead about their futures. How what they are doing or what they are doing will change the world and make it a better place. How we need to stop consuming so much and we need to start investing back into our planet which we are slowly killing.

Thinking ahead is a problem for many people. People need to set goals and achieve them and not just do whatever they please and continue to keep destroying the system. Hopefully if we reinvest morals and ethics and courtesies into people then we can all do more together and achieve what truly needs to be done to reshape and retool our nation into something great.

We as a nation will face growing pains that is no lie. We are at such a time right now and we need to come further together if we seek to accomplish anything worthwhile in the process. We need to try to agree on what is best and try to save jobs and create new ones. The ideas are not revolutionary but everyone understands them. I just hope that soon someone can bring us back on track soon. These are my thoughts and opinions woot!


Jase said...

Very well put. and I can't disagree. The unfortunate truth is we have little chance of coming together when you have Nearly half the nation that believes the Government should take care of us. and nearly half the nation that thinks the government should just leave us all be. and the rest just don't give a damn. You end up with what we have now. More people that are running the country that pit the two opposing sides against each other just te remain in power and collect their fat checks.

you want my answer to the Economy. Step 1. All Congressmen, the President, and his cabinet, and the Supreme Court Justices all take a pay freeze(that means they don't get paid) until the event the federal budget is balanced and the national debt is zero. Maybe then they will actually do something. Unfortunately what we as the citizens of this country will come to realize. These people get far money from other sources because of the power they wield then their paychecks will ever provide.