Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Thoughts.....

My Thoughts on the past year.


Another year without a major terrorist attack on our soil, with no recognition given to the policies or the policy makers that insured it.

Election of our first black president. I believed, until the end of September, that America would not be ready for a black president. (aside: I truly hope and pray that Obama doesn't screw it up for the next generation, I am for the idea of Minority Leadership/Majority Rule, Keeps the system honest. or at least it should)

John McCain's victory in the republican primary. In addition, his choice for Vice President Sarah Palin. There is virtually no reason Mr. McCain belonged on the Presidential Ticket, and Sarah Palin is the the only reason the election wasn't a landslide for the Democrats.


The American populace's continued trust in the Federal Government. Although they continue to squander "OUR" money, we continue to believe that if we just give them more they can fix anything. The government can not guarantee results, until they control the entire system, and we have grave evidence, in recent history, that doesn't work. Also, that those that trust completely in the government and blame Big Corporations for the recent financial melt down, are not up in arms that their trusted Government decided to use the appropriated funds to bailout those Corporations.

The media's continuing move from reporting the actual news to being an editorial conduit for their favorite ____________. (you fill in the blank. Candidate, Cause, Subject, Policy, Referendum, Person, Political Party)


The success of our Military. Thank you, to all the brave souls that VOLUNTEERED, to defend our country against all enemies FOREIGN and domestic. Keep up the good work and we will bring you home.

The Financial Meltdown. Although many seemed in shock at the events. My only surprise was it did not come sooner(thanks to the trusted federal government in helping hide some of the most heinous number pushing in recent history) Anyone with the "want to know attitude" could see the housing market wasn't going to last. The only proof we had that it was stable was the democrat led congress' continued claim everything was fine.(and i think you know how much I trust the government, if they say things are probably means Shit is about to hit the fan)


Obama's Presidency. I am not a fan of the policies of the far left, the left, the middle left, and often times the middle. But i hold out hope Obama will see the errors of those policies, and put his trust in the American people to fix the problems that the country will face in the next four years.

The Celtics will lose less than 10 games this season. Even though I am huge fan of the Jordan era Chicago Bulls, I would love to see an NBA team with single digits in the loss column. Now, if only the NBA wants to see that too.

Another Undefeated Team in the NFL. The Patriots were so close in 2007. (Mad props to the NY Giants for spoiling it.) But I am tired of Don Shula(who I have great respect for as a coach) touting his opinion about who should or shouldn't be consider the best team in history.

A Viking Superbowl Victory. OK this is a long shot, considering how well the Eagles are playing of late. But i truly believe the talent on the Vikings matches up well with with any team in the league, now if only we could get a couch that has some enthusiasm.

A Lance Armstrong Victory. I am not picky, Tour de France or Giro d'Italia. A victory in either would cement him into the place of greatest cyclist ever.(if he isn't already there)

An Oscar for Heath Ledger as The Joker. If there is another actor out there nominated for best supporting actor that poured as much of their soul into the role, I have yet to see it.


A nuclear Iran.

A Joe Biden Presidency.

The Great Depression II.

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