Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another Great Article From Thomas Sowell

Managing the Impossible, there is something to put on a resume.

The Art of the Impossible - Sowell

Monday, December 29, 2008

Catch up with Jason

So we come to the end of another year. This will be my 38th New Years Celebration. Although i couldn't tell much about the first few...oh well... I probably couldn't tell you much about the last few either. What i can tell you is what has been going on in my life.

So 2008 started off with a bang as I finally came to realize that finding someone online probably isn't the right way to go. So after living 2007 in a perputual haze of melancholy, I broke free from the chains of dolefulness. The first few months were pretty much as usual for me.

Then April/June came storming in. I was asked to make plans to move out of the place I was living. This came as a very pleasant surprise, since I was planning on moving, but was seriously dragging my feet. But once I put my mind to it I found a place and was moved in on July 4th. What an Independents Day for me.

Again my life went into a boring recursion, only with new walls, until October rolled in and then I met someone special. Someone beautiful, smart, someone i really liked. She bolstered my confidence and I even began the process of becoming a licensed driver and even started looking for some wheels. The situation wasn't perfect, but I found someone I really liked and truly believed really liked me. But that was all for not. Things change quickly. by the end of Novemeber, she began to see things that were not there. That fell apart, despite my attempts to keep any hope of relationship alive.

Now we are at the last days of 2008 ending the year much the same way i started. Freeing myself from the quagmire, that has become a theme to my attempts at love.

Resolution, Not to dwell in the past, not to give up Hope, but to change hope into generalities rather than specifics. To maintain my integrity, honesty, joy, and above all love. To keep a soft heart. Be there for my friends, as they have always been there for me. And to keep my head up, the years are going by faster now, I don't want to miss anything.

Have a wonderful year. 2009 is going to be a wild ride. Make the most of it.

Your Friend,
Jason Schmidt

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I couldn't resist

This is hilarious.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pizza Tracker

So, have any of my readers order a pizza online, from Domino's? I just recently did. They have this thing they call the pizza tracker.

The pizza tracker tells you the name of the employee that preps, cooks, boxes and delivers your order. In addition there is a timer that tells you where your pizza is in the order process.


I recommend everyone that enjoys pizza to give this a shot. Then leave a comment to have them add webcams to each employee so we can actually watch our pizza's being made.

No money was given to me for this plug. Although i will gladly accept any free pizza Domino's is willing to give.

Quite a revelation!

Dennis Prager writes an eye open article about group pride, and the need for accepting group shame.

Minorities Should Express Shame, Not Only Pride. - Prager

And are we "lucky"? I think not.

No Such Luck

Employee Free Choice Act? I am pretty after you read this act, you may find some form of oxymoron present. But could it be Unconstitutional? Interesting question.

The Employee Free Choice Act is Unconstitutional - Epstein

and finally, a great article by John Hawkins.

"Mama Government" Treating Americans Like Small Children - Hawkins

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thanks Ann

Just need to thank Ann once again for watching this deal here in MN.

One Plus One Equals 20 Extra Votes for Franken - Coulter

More From ONN

Oh those biased reporters at The Weather Channel.

Weather Channel Accused of Pro-Weather Bias

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Movies, Movies, Movies

It's been awhile since i posted about the movies i have seen, therefore there is a lot. So i won't spend a bunch of time on any of them. just a quick review.

You Don't Mess With The Zohan - Decent movie. Adam Sandler is his typical funny. But this is more in the line of Rob Schnieder movie then a classic Sandler film.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall - I started to watch this, but i was sort of in a bad place. so i stopped and watched it again, after I settle somethings in my head. I enjoyed it. Good comedy.

War Inc. - Excellent movie, and not just the Cusack siblings share the spotlight. it is a very good statement movie. although the surprise ending sort of goes over the top a bit.

The Forbidden Kingdom - Decent martial arts movie. Jet Li and Jackie Chan are worth the watch.

Speed Racer - Unless you are a Speed Racer fanatic. Don't bother. And if you are a speed racer fanatic, watch gingerly. Not very good at all.

Never Back Down - Solid movie from the MTV style action scene. Fight Club meets Teen angst film. Where the good guy has his day(sorry to spoil it for you all)

Audition - Great Movie, if you are a horror nut. and don't mind reading sub-titles. or if you just like Freaking nutcase movies that have no business being made. but you are still glad they made them.

Hellboy 2: The Golden Army - Disapointing, not nearly as good as the first one. But worth a look if you enjoy the genre.

Get Smart - Pleasantly surprised. Enjoyable and The Rock has some acting chops.

The Dark Knight(aka Watchmen Trailer) - After watching the fore mentioned trailer about a dozen times. I did break down and watch the movie. Still Excellent. Best Movie of the year, in any genre. Can't wait for the third installment with Christian Bale as Batman. OH yeah 3-6-9 mark the date. keep it free. we all must go see Watchmen.

Tropic Thunder - Very disapointed. Only highlight was Robert Downey Jr. I have to admit he is a great actor.

Hancock - Surprisingly good. Although i shouldn't be surprised, it does star Will Smith. Don't think i have seen a bad Will Smith movie yet.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Interesting movie. that is all i can say. If you are Star Wars nut than it is a must see, but if you are, you probably already have.

X-Files : I want to believe - Incredible, They outdid themselves with this one. Very well written and a pure joy to watch.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Say Something Good About Obama"

When I was asked this question, my reply was "Something Good About Obama"

I am glad Larry Elder did a little more research than I did.

Government to the 'Rescue' - Been There, Done That. - Elder

"Ok, I guess he is likable."

And more from Minnesota, I am glad Ann is watching this. Because I am at my last straw with Minnesota, especially after 2004, when our electors decided to cast one vote for John Edwards, the Vice Presidential candidate on the democratic ticket.

Minnesota Ballots: Land of 10,000 Fakes - Coulter

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Work Harder....

Work harder, there are millions of people on welfare depending on you.

Freedom and the Left - Sowell