Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What to do?

So with the elextion over. what should I do with my blog. So after thinking on it. I figured i wouldn't give up on my principles and ideas.

So first off. I was curious on somethings. I started to do some research on some terms and when they came about. Liberal or liberalism, a word so much found in disgust lately many democrats have started to claim themselves as progressive. Well, it turns out "liberal" was coined by many democrats shortly after the government handouts, that elongated the great depression, to seperate themselves from the word they used to describe themselves was becoming disgusting. What was that word? "Progressive!"

And now a great article by John Stossel. a man that can really put things in a nutshell.

Who Will Run America? - Stossel

Is it possible to be too optimistic? I think that is the one major problem with the conservatives in America. We(and I do include myself in the category) believe in the greatness of America, and there is nothing, the freedoms we are granted can not overcome. The one thing I believe we fail to see, is when those things are an actual attack on those freedoms.


Anonymous said...

I like this article. I agree sometimes too many actions are taken and unfortunately farm subsidies are one of them. Progress can be made, and we can't save everything that's simply how we grow as humans and advance our culture and civilization. Robots will replace some jobs but humans will fix the robots and so-on. One thing though that is frightening is the use of ethanol and since we don't plan on growing hemp anytime soon that I know of which is the best output of ethanol we are growing corn as massive rates, and this therein raises the price of all other crops that farmers are growing less of. This in turn effects everything and we must realize that our economy is very delicate and almost anything can affect it in a positive or negative way. Something I also agree with is that it is easy to do harm, but much more difficult to do good.


Jase said...

Woohoo, you understand.