Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Old Adages

Thomas Sowell takes a look at a couple of old adages.

Is Talk Cheap? - Thomas Sowell

Now I haven't had much to say here lately about what is going on. I felt it is was best to hold judgment for a bit. My intentions were to see what Obama and the his Minions in congress would do with the first 100 days of his administration. Unfortunately I could not hold out that long.

I recently read an article in the Star Tribune(consistently one of the most liberally biased papers in the nation) They showed a chart with the budget deficits over the past six presidency, remarking that under Clinton we had the only surplus and under Obama we will have the greatest deficit. The two things that surprised me in this article. First although they pointed out the greatest deficit will be under Obama they didn't seem to think this was any serious problem. Second, the article failed to completely recognize that Newt Gingrich, the Republic lead congress, and the 'Contract for America' had any part in those surpluses.

The recent activity in Washington, D.C. is exactly what I warned anyone who would listen about. Giving all the power to one political party(especially to those that believe in party over country) is a huge mistake. I will stand behind this statement, no matter what the party.

If you look at just the recent history. Say the last six Presidencies, You will notice our best economic growth and most stable federal government have come when there has been a balance of power between the parties. Reagan with a democratic led congress dug us out of the horendous fiasco the former administration had left. Clinton with the Republican led congress manage to balance the federal budget for the first time in 120 years.

Personally, I would love to see members of congress to forgo their party lines and start to look at how their actions effect all of America. What is good for New York, is not always good for North Dakota, and the same holds true the other way.

Necessity will breed innovation. If the government would stop, providing everything we supposedly want. I assure you, we as a people(All makes, kinds, colors and creeds) would figure out a way to provide it for ourselves.

I can not freely admit, the stock from which we came has been diluted beyond recognition. I believe completely, that the independent spirit still resides in all of us. The spirit that would push us not to just survive but to strive for more, and better lives for our future generations. This spirit is what brought most of us to America, a chance at freedom. It is the same spirit that brings many more to our great country. Let that spirit free, let it be what it wants to be, Innovative, Inventive, Ingenious. Do not cast out that spirit as an unneeded entity. Do not disregard that spirit as an old time philosophy. Let the spirit do what it came here to do, take care of itself and the ones it loves(Family, Friends and Neighbors).

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