Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fear, Hope, and the Same Ol' Song and Dance

Our new president was elected because he tried to convey a message of hope and seperate himself from his opponent, claiming he promoted a message of fear. Now, every time I hear the President speak, I seem to hear about the catastrophe that awaits if we don't do exactly what he says. Now I could be misinterpreting his grand extortion, with just plain fear-mongering, but either way, it isn't the finest face a President can put forth. It all becomes politics as usual.

Speaking of the same ol' song and dance; I personally, was very critical of the Bushes administration ever enlarging of the federal government. It was often noted, in the eight years under Bush, the size and scope of the Federal government grew larger than any other time in recent history. The Obama Administration 'hopes' to eclipse that, and "The New Deal" as well.

So in all his attempts to portray himself as the Anti-Bush, once in office Obama seems to govern with the same demeanor. Promote your agenda with fear, and make the government even larger.


On a side note, What is it wrong with Democrats that can not seem to debate with their true opponent. During the campaign, it appeared that every Democrat, no matter what position they were seeking, was running against George W. Bush. And now it seems they want to argue with Rush Limbaugh, a man that has no political office. Can I give the democrats a word of advice. If you want to destroy the republican party don't continue to point out the beacon of light, the one true, nationally heard, conservative voice. It will only draw more interest to what he has to say, and people may find they agree with more of what he says then you claim they should.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jason,

Limbaugh is a unique personality but he's also had numerous drug problems, Oxycontin etc, and I think he honestly has the views and personality he does simply to be piss off democrats or attract more attention to himself. Sometimes I wonder if he really believes everything that even comes out of his mouth.

He uses demeaning slander and downgrades the other party in such a way as to make you believe that having democrats and republicans coexisting is like having predators and prey on good terms. He runs his mouth on rumors and speculations and I'll give you the fact that sometimes he digs up things that are relevant.

For everything he does do though, he seems to exist more to help divide people in the country than to unite them, and the bottom line is that right now we should be uniting and disagreeing on certain issues rather than dividing and trying to fight it all out alone.


Jase said...

Way to prove my point Dan. LOL If he is so insignificant why three whole paragraphs. Or entire speeches, or armies of people to try to shut him up.

I find it hilarious that people claim those that listen to Rush are mindless drones yet all I hear in contradiction to him is the same mundane phrases. Drug problems, Blowhard, and instigator.

When are people going to debate the issues and not the people(and if you choose to debate people lets look at those that have the power to do something about the issues)