Victims of Terrorism, Victims of Wal-Mart - Hill
After reading that, I grow sick in the stomach. I worked for Wal-Mart for 11 years, so i have seen my fair share of black fridays. Anyone and I mean anyone that can tell me that Wal-Mart holds some responsibility for this heinous act needs to get a grip on reality. I sat and watched as grown adults pushed aside(and by aside, I mean down) 5 year old kids to get at the latest greatest toy. A lot of people in this country have completely lost any semblance of a moral compass. When a mob breaks down a door, that is not Wal-Marts fault, when a mob tramples over an associate, that is not Wal-Marts fault.
The day after thanksgiving sale has been a retail icon for many years. This kind of behavior hasn't been around nearly as long. So anyone that tells me that retail companies put in on the people that they have to buy this item at this time is just insane. I know a huge number of people that can restrain themselves enough not to shop on Black Friday. The full and complete blame falls upon. the people in this crowd. Because although it may have been only one or two people that began the push, that collapsed the door. One or Two people have little sway over a pack of even 10 let alone 25-50 or more.
So I personally hold every single person in the mob responsible for this mans untimely death. The should all be very ashamed. What a wonderful Christmas present you have for your family, under the tree, wrapped in the blood of retail worker, trying to do his job and support him and/or his family.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thankful for this, I am
Two stories that put the true mean of being an American right out for all to see.
Thanks for all you do. The Americans that don't hold anyone responsible for their well being other than themselves.
Thanks for the Advice - O'Riley
Giving Thanks for Self-Reliant Americans - Malkin
and i end with this one question. What did Americans do when they couldn't go shopping on Thanksgiving or Christmas day or any holiday for that matter. If you didn't have sugar or salt or milk or eggs or any number of countless items people forget to pick up before the holiday, and there was no place to go buy it. What did we do? Please someone, anyone tell me. What did we do? I am surprised this country made it out the 20th century. I witnessed the near panic in some people as they discovered they could not buy Kool-aid, on thanksgiving day. "Oh my God, my kids are going to have drink plain water, The horror!" Or 'Oven-Bags'. "How do i cook a turkey without an 'Oven-Bag'?" I have an idea, maybe just maybe this is how we managed to survive countless years with no stores open on holidays. 1)Buy the stuff before hand, Be prepared. 2)borrow what you need from your neighbor, you know the ones that figured out how to plan ahead.
Thanks for all you do. The Americans that don't hold anyone responsible for their well being other than themselves.
Thanks for the Advice - O'Riley
Giving Thanks for Self-Reliant Americans - Malkin
and i end with this one question. What did Americans do when they couldn't go shopping on Thanksgiving or Christmas day or any holiday for that matter. If you didn't have sugar or salt or milk or eggs or any number of countless items people forget to pick up before the holiday, and there was no place to go buy it. What did we do? Please someone, anyone tell me. What did we do? I am surprised this country made it out the 20th century. I witnessed the near panic in some people as they discovered they could not buy Kool-aid, on thanksgiving day. "Oh my God, my kids are going to have drink plain water, The horror!" Or 'Oven-Bags'. "How do i cook a turkey without an 'Oven-Bag'?" I have an idea, maybe just maybe this is how we managed to survive countless years with no stores open on holidays. 1)Buy the stuff before hand, Be prepared. 2)borrow what you need from your neighbor, you know the ones that figured out how to plan ahead.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I know i had to find this out on my own. the truth about the pilgrims and thanksgiving.
The Real Story
The Real Story
Monday, November 24, 2008
So it has been 2 weeks since the election. and I am sure many of you have noticed a lack of links. This is due to the abundance of the same ol', same ol'. This is what he said, this is what he is going to do. I refrain from hammering against our new president-elect. For the simple reason, he is not President, yet. He can have his transition team and his transition website, and his transition press conferences. He can parade his nominees for his future cabinet, for all to see. I am really not concerned. I am more waiting to see if he rolls to the right, in an attempt to maintain the power the American people have granted him, or stays to the far left to appease the groups that help get him into that position.
But finally through all my article watching i have found one worthy of linking here. It is about something greatly dear to my heart. The science of religion, or is that the religion of science. Maybe a little bit of both. well anyway, my words do not it justice.
When Science points to God - Dinesh D'Souza
But finally through all my article watching i have found one worthy of linking here. It is about something greatly dear to my heart. The science of religion, or is that the religion of science. Maybe a little bit of both. well anyway, my words do not it justice.
When Science points to God - Dinesh D'Souza
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Really! I knew!
You are a Social Liberal (66% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (83% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also : The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Something Different
So recently Magic:the Gathering held their latest Pro-Tour event in Berlin. Besides the fact that I would love to qualify to participate in one of these events, i would really just like to see one.
but that is not really what i am going to talk about today. I want to congratulate all the American born Magic players with their outstanding accomplishments this year.
With only the World Championship left this year, which is being held in Memphis, TN. The United States put up a dominating show this year. After a few years of European, followed by Japanese dominance at the pro-tour level, The US put up three huge victories this year.
It all started in February, in Kuala Lumpur, when a household name came back to crush the competition. John Finkle, aka Johny Magic, took down a huge field in a format that he excels in. Some claim booster draft is what seperates the good players from the great players, and Johny Magic does it better than most.
In May it was off to Hollywood, CA where 22 year old Charles Gindy took the title in my favorite format, Standard. With a card pool the size never seen since the official formatting, the decks where as varried as the people that played them.
Then finally, it started Halloween Night, an Extended tournament shortly after a cycle of cards left the format, and a small number entering to replace them. The format was ripe for the breaking. Unfortunately the deck that would come to break the format, was the worst kept secret in Magic. with nearly one-fourth of the field playing some form of the deck commonly known as "Elfball", and Three-fourths of the final 8 wielding the deck. It was almost assured that it would win. What was not certain, was which version had the muscle to top the rest. Luis Scott-Vargas piloted his superfast (with potential turn two kill) version past his worst matchup to advance to the semi-finals but then in the finals to muscle past one of the few "Elfball" decks with answers to the mirror match.
Gratz to all three and to all the US players, and good luck at Worlds.
but that is not really what i am going to talk about today. I want to congratulate all the American born Magic players with their outstanding accomplishments this year.
With only the World Championship left this year, which is being held in Memphis, TN. The United States put up a dominating show this year. After a few years of European, followed by Japanese dominance at the pro-tour level, The US put up three huge victories this year.
It all started in February, in Kuala Lumpur, when a household name came back to crush the competition. John Finkle, aka Johny Magic, took down a huge field in a format that he excels in. Some claim booster draft is what seperates the good players from the great players, and Johny Magic does it better than most.
In May it was off to Hollywood, CA where 22 year old Charles Gindy took the title in my favorite format, Standard. With a card pool the size never seen since the official formatting, the decks where as varried as the people that played them.
Then finally, it started Halloween Night, an Extended tournament shortly after a cycle of cards left the format, and a small number entering to replace them. The format was ripe for the breaking. Unfortunately the deck that would come to break the format, was the worst kept secret in Magic. with nearly one-fourth of the field playing some form of the deck commonly known as "Elfball", and Three-fourths of the final 8 wielding the deck. It was almost assured that it would win. What was not certain, was which version had the muscle to top the rest. Luis Scott-Vargas piloted his superfast (with potential turn two kill) version past his worst matchup to advance to the semi-finals but then in the finals to muscle past one of the few "Elfball" decks with answers to the mirror match.
Gratz to all three and to all the US players, and good luck at Worlds.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Why do I love Thomas Sowell and Larry Elder? Simply put they already believed. I will let Mr. Elder explain.
Do You Need Obama to Believe? - Elder
It is amazing. Thanks Larry, for all your words.
Do You Need Obama to Believe? - Elder
It is amazing. Thanks Larry, for all your words.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What to do?
So with the elextion over. what should I do with my blog. So after thinking on it. I figured i wouldn't give up on my principles and ideas.
So first off. I was curious on somethings. I started to do some research on some terms and when they came about. Liberal or liberalism, a word so much found in disgust lately many democrats have started to claim themselves as progressive. Well, it turns out "liberal" was coined by many democrats shortly after the government handouts, that elongated the great depression, to seperate themselves from the word they used to describe themselves was becoming disgusting. What was that word? "Progressive!"
And now a great article by John Stossel. a man that can really put things in a nutshell.
Who Will Run America? - Stossel
Is it possible to be too optimistic? I think that is the one major problem with the conservatives in America. We(and I do include myself in the category) believe in the greatness of America, and there is nothing, the freedoms we are granted can not overcome. The one thing I believe we fail to see, is when those things are an actual attack on those freedoms.
So first off. I was curious on somethings. I started to do some research on some terms and when they came about. Liberal or liberalism, a word so much found in disgust lately many democrats have started to claim themselves as progressive. Well, it turns out "liberal" was coined by many democrats shortly after the government handouts, that elongated the great depression, to seperate themselves from the word they used to describe themselves was becoming disgusting. What was that word? "Progressive!"
And now a great article by John Stossel. a man that can really put things in a nutshell.
Who Will Run America? - Stossel
Is it possible to be too optimistic? I think that is the one major problem with the conservatives in America. We(and I do include myself in the category) believe in the greatness of America, and there is nothing, the freedoms we are granted can not overcome. The one thing I believe we fail to see, is when those things are an actual attack on those freedoms.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My Favorite Economist
Yes, Thomas Sowell has been on a writing rampage. I can not blame him. He has a message and he wants to be sure it gets out. If you have the heart to learn something, check out these links.
Ego and Mouth - Sowell
Obama, Powell and Popularity - Sowell
I personally am hoping for the best in this country, and I leave you with this. Having a Congress and a president of the same party(either party) does not always lead to the best things. I will elaborate on this in the near future.
For those of you who don't know. I LOVE GRIDLOCK!!!!!!!
Ego and Mouth - Sowell
Obama, Powell and Popularity - Sowell
I personally am hoping for the best in this country, and I leave you with this. Having a Congress and a president of the same party(either party) does not always lead to the best things. I will elaborate on this in the near future.
For those of you who don't know. I LOVE GRIDLOCK!!!!!!!
Spoiler Alert....Spoiler Alert
Indiana Jones and the Search for A Better Green Screen.
I was excited to see this movie, even with several people saying it wasn't that good and South Park lampooning its creation as a raping of the franchise. After the first scene, which only importance was introducing the major players in the movie, I was almost ready to turn it off. Why?, you ask. Well simply put for something to be made by Lucas/Spielberg to have the most horrific green-screening since the late seventies(scratch that, pre-seventies). I was appalled.
But, after I managed to fight my way through the first scene, the movie skipped ahead at a frenetic pace, maybe even too frenetic. The puzzle, that encompassed the search seem to fall into place for Indy, rather than Indy finding the answers.
And with its wild assertation about the origins of a lost city in the amazon, and the crystal skulls themselves. I begin to wonder if the "anti-religion" fanatics forced this movie after the huge success of the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, as i feel they did with the with the first two movies. Is it not enlightening to Hollywood, the two better selling Indy's were focused around Judeo/Christian artifacts and the other two will simply get lost in the shuffle.
I give this one 2.5 out 5. Because the actions scenes were cool and the return of Marion(Karen Allen).
Bonus Spoiler Alert.
I wasn't intending to watch Sex and the City, the movie. But i broke down and did. I was very impressed. After enjoying the first three seasons of the show, then being turned off by the writers insistance of making alternative life-styles a theme of every other show, I was worried, I would not enjoy the movie.
I was pleasantly surprised, the writting seemed to mirror that of the first view seasons of the show. It was quite entertaining to see the movie end with the Miranda, Charlotte and Carrie, each sticking it out with the men they each love. And truer still Samantha staying her coarse as a One woman, woman(that woman being herself).
4 out of 5 for this one.
I was excited to see this movie, even with several people saying it wasn't that good and South Park lampooning its creation as a raping of the franchise. After the first scene, which only importance was introducing the major players in the movie, I was almost ready to turn it off. Why?, you ask. Well simply put for something to be made by Lucas/Spielberg to have the most horrific green-screening since the late seventies(scratch that, pre-seventies). I was appalled.
But, after I managed to fight my way through the first scene, the movie skipped ahead at a frenetic pace, maybe even too frenetic. The puzzle, that encompassed the search seem to fall into place for Indy, rather than Indy finding the answers.
And with its wild assertation about the origins of a lost city in the amazon, and the crystal skulls themselves. I begin to wonder if the "anti-religion" fanatics forced this movie after the huge success of the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, as i feel they did with the with the first two movies. Is it not enlightening to Hollywood, the two better selling Indy's were focused around Judeo/Christian artifacts and the other two will simply get lost in the shuffle.
I give this one 2.5 out 5. Because the actions scenes were cool and the return of Marion(Karen Allen).
Bonus Spoiler Alert.
I wasn't intending to watch Sex and the City, the movie. But i broke down and did. I was very impressed. After enjoying the first three seasons of the show, then being turned off by the writers insistance of making alternative life-styles a theme of every other show, I was worried, I would not enjoy the movie.
I was pleasantly surprised, the writting seemed to mirror that of the first view seasons of the show. It was quite entertaining to see the movie end with the Miranda, Charlotte and Carrie, each sticking it out with the men they each love. And truer still Samantha staying her coarse as a One woman, woman(that woman being herself).
4 out of 5 for this one.
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