So this is the main room, and what will soon be the entertainment corner. So after moving in I had a 36 hour period with no internet and no cable. It was harsh. but i actually took the time to read a little.
John Stossel's - Give Me A Break.
So Glad, there are level headed Libertarians in this world.

So once Saturday evening rolled around, and the Cable Guy. I was able to get my set up running.
And don't forget your 'Patch Perfect' it is only $19.95. I think it is true, the louder the commercial the dumber the advertiser thinks I am. So glad i have a mute button.

More Pictures to come.
Jason, nice setup man I hope you're enjoying your new place and that moving everything in will work out for the best!
Take it easy buddy!
P.S. I wish I could relate to what moving is like but I've never done it so I can't but regardless good luck with the ordeal!
looks good, more pix!
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